About 12367/68 Vikramshila Express
Vikramshila Superfast Express operates on daily basis and is running with train numbers 12367 and 12368. It is belonging to Eastern Indian Railways and is known to be connecting the Anand Vihar terminal in Delhi with Bhagalpur, one of the largest cities of Bihar. The distance covered by the train is 1209 kms and the travel time is of around 19 hours. The train has 22 coaches available with a pantry car attached, including AC first class, AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, sleeper, and general unreserved coaches. Its average running speed is 69 km/hour. Train 12367 leaves Bhagalpur at 11:50 hours and reaches Anand Vihar terminal at 07:20 hours next day of the travel. Train 12368 departs Anand Vihar terminal at 13:15 hours and reaches Bhagalpur at 08:15 hours. The train is stopping by at 19 halts within the journey, and the important ones are at Kiul, Patna, Patna Saheb, Kanpur Central, and Pt DD Upadhyaya. In general category, the fare to travel in this express would be Rs. 3640 in first class AC, Rs. 2150 in second class AC, Rs. 1505 in third class AC, Rs. 575 in sleeper. The tatkal charges would vary depending on the coach and class you are travelling.
12367/68 Vikramshila Express Time Table
Planning to travel in the train that is been running in between Bhagalpur and New Delhi in India? Vikramshila express is been heading in between these two cities across the country and is been following the route via Barh, Munger, Jamalpur and Patna. It has been operating with train numbers 12367 and 12368. Running with a superfast speed of 58 km/hour, the total travelling distance is 1209 kms. And the time taken to cover the same is about 21 hours and 45 minutes. Train 12367 leaves Bhagalpur at 11:15 hours and reaches Anand Vihar very next day at 08:00 hours. Train 12368 leaves Anand Vihar in New Delhi at 14:40 hours and reaches Bhagalpur next day at 12:25 hours.
12367/68 Vikramshila Express
Finding online informative and relevant brief related to 12367/68 Vikramshila express? This post will definitely give you an idea about the same. Vikramshila express is been running with train numbers 12367 and 12368. It is been running in between Bhagalpur and New Delhi across the country crossing four major states including Jamalpur, Munger, Bhagalpur, Barh, Patna and Bihar. Bhagalpur is been counted among the largest and biggest cities of Bihar, India. Train 12367 Vikramshila express runs from Bhagalpur to Anand Vihar terminal whereas train 12368 Vikramshila express heads in the opposite direction.
As scheduled, train 12367 departs from Bhagalpur station at 11:15 hours and reaches at Anand Vihar next day at 08:00 hours. On the other side, train 12368 departs from Anand Vihar terminal at 14:40 hours and reaches Bhagalpur next day at 12:25 hours. The total distance that is been covered by the express is 1209 km and it is been running with an average speed of 58 km/hour. Backed with 23 coaches in total, it comprises 5 AC coaches, 13 sleeper class coaches and 2 general class coaches along with 1 pantry car. The total time taken by Vikramshila express in covering the journey is of about 21 hours and 45 minutes of time. The express is among a quite popular and highly preferable train thus it is best to keep an eye on the seat availability and if they are available, make sure to book tickets within time and as soon as possible to avoid any frustration in the last.
In accord to the sources, coaches are well maintained and cleaned and the punctuality factor is also pretty decent. Though, there is pantry car already attached in the train and people can also think of ordering food from Travel Khana, a leading giant offering delicious e-catering services and food as per the wishes and demands of travellers. So in case, you have been looking to get fresh and hot food services in running trains and at any of the desired railway station, make sure to get the services from them and at extremely affordable prices. And do check its train status and movement by accessing Spot your train utility and know about its arrival time, departure time, train travelling distance, total time needed to cover that distance and more within minutes and make optimal use of that handy and useful information. Just in case, it is been not running on time, or delayed or so, people can accordingly think of opting for some other option, make proper utilization of that time and travel in a peaceful and hassle free way. The prominent halts in between the excursion are at Bariarpur, Sultanganj, Jamalpur, Dharhara, Kajra, Abhaipur, Kiul, Luckeesarai, Barh, Hathidah, Mokama, Bakhtiyarpur, Khusropur, Fatuha, Patna Sahib, Patna junction, Kanpur Central and Mughal Sarai junction. So, book train tickets within time to avoid any hassle that could be created at the last minute of time and always check pnr status, train location before leaving for the station to make sure everything is bang on track. Happy travel!
An Insight to train 12367/68 Vikramshila express
Are you checking out online looking for rail information related to train numbers 12367/68 Vikramshila express? This post will definitely give you an idea about the famous and highly preferred Vikramshila express. It is known to be connecting Bhagalpur reckoned as one of the biggest cities of Bihar to India’s capital that is New Delhi. It is known to be crossing four major and prominent cities of the country including Patna, Bihar, Bhagalpur, Barh and Jamalpur. It is been operating with two train numbers including 12367 and 12368 amongst which train 12367 Vikramshila express runs from Bhagalpur station to Anand Vihar terminal and train 12368 Vikramshila express runs in the reverse direction.
As far as traction and locomotives are been into consideration, in between Bhagalpur station and Kiul junction, it is been hauled by Jamalpur shed and afterward in between Kiul Junction and Anand Vihar junction, it is further hauled by WAP 7 loco shed. Indeed, it is been counted among one of the most important trains for the passengers belonging to Bhagalpur station and passengers feel a bit at ease because of this train from not only Bhagalpur but also from other surrounding areas like Jamalpur, Kiul and Barh. As defined and scheduled in the timetable, train 12367 departs from Bhagalpur station at 11:15 hours and reaches Anand Vihar junction at 08:00 hours. On the other hand, train 12368 departs from Anand Vihar junction at 14:40 hours and reaches Bhagalpur station at 12:20 hours.
The major halts that is been covered by the Vikramshila express are at Sultanganj, Bariarpur, Jamalpur Junction, Dharhara, Abhaipur, Kajra, Kiul junction, Luckeesarai, Barhiya, Hatidah junction, Mokama Junction, Barh, Bakhtiyarpur Junction, Khusropur, Fatuha, Patna Sahib, Patna junction, Mughal Sarai Junction, and Kanpur Central. The total distance that is been covered by the express is of 1209 km and the average running speed of the train is 58 km/hour. There are 23 coaches available in the train and amongst them, 5 are of AC class, 2 of general class and 13 of sleeper class. Pantry car is been attached and available in the train and till date, it is been considered among the safe and secure option to travel with. The average running speed of the train is pretty decent and timely and at regular intervals, as per the sources, coaches are cleaned and the lacking part of the train is seat availability as it is always been in such high demand. In total, time taken by the train in covering the distance is about 21 hours and 45 minutes. Private e-catering facilities are also been available and served in the express and if passengers are looking for a good and reliable platform to opt to, it is recommended to do order from Travel Khana that has gained recognition and preference in the delivery of food services in trains as per the demand and wish of travellers at cost effective prices. So, go for them and enjoy the journey.
Highlights of Vikramshila Express –
Train details | Facilities Onboard |
Travel Time: | 20h 45m |
Halts: | 19 |
Distance: | 1207km |
Avg Speed: | 58km/hr |
Cleanliness: | Good |
Punctuality: | Average |
E-Catering | Yes |
Ticket availability: | Good |
Mobile/Laptop Charger | Yes |
12367/Vikramshila Express, Bhagalpur to Delhi Route, Schedule & Time Table –
Want to know of the 12367/Vikramshila Express, Bhagalpur to Delhi Route, Schedule & Time Table? The train 12367 runs on daily basis and comes under the supervision of Northern Indian Railways operating in between Bhagalpur station to New Delhi station across the country. As per the time table and schedule, it departs the Bhagalpur station at 11:15 hours and reaches New Delhi Anand Vihar terminal at 08:10 hours on next day of travel. It covers a total distance of 1208 km in a travel time of 20 hours and 55 minutes. It stops by at 19 halts within the journey and operates with an average speed of 58 km/hour. The route that it takes is via Bariarpur, Jamalpur, Dharhara, Kajra, Kiul, Barhiya, Hathidah, Mokama, Barh, Khusropur, Fatuha, Patna Saheb, Patna, Pt DD Upadhyaya, Kanpur Central and so. There are as of now, 22 coaches present in the train and composition wise, it has first class tier, second class tier, third class tier, sleeper and general category coaches. It even has a pantry car attached within. The fare in general class is Rs. 3290 in 1A, Rs. 1945 in 2A, Rs. 1365 in 3A, Rs. 575 in SL and Rs. 300 in GN.
Bhagalpur Junction(BGP) | origin | 11:15 | origin | 0 | ||
SultanGanj(SGG) | 11:35 | 11:36 | 1 | 0 | ||
Bariarpur(BUP) | 12:00 | 12:01 | 1 | 0 | ||
Jamalpur Junction(JMP) | 12:25 | 12:35 | 10 | 0 | ||
Dharhara(DRH) | 12:48 | 12:49 | 1 | 0 | ||
Abhaipur(AHA) | 13:02 | 13:03 | 1 | 0 | ||
Kajra(KJH) | 13:14 | 13:15 | 1 | 0 | ||
Kiul Junction(KIUL) | 13:57 | 14:07 | 10 | 0 | ||
Luckeesarai Junction(LKR) | 14:12 | 14:14 | 2 | 0 | ||
Barhiya(BRYA) | 14:29 | 14:31 | 2 | 0 | ||
Hathidah Junction(HTZ) | 14:41 | 14:43 | 2 | 0 | ||
Mokama(MKA) | 14:54 | 14:56 | 2 | 0 | ||
Barh(BARH) | 15:13 | 15:15 | 2 | 0 | ||
Bakhtiyarpur Junction(BKP) | 15:38 | 15:40 | 2 | 0 | ||
Khusropur(KOO) | 15:51 | 15:53 | 2 | 0 | ||
Fatuha Junction(FUT) | 16:02 | 16:04 | 2 | 0 | ||
Patna Saheb(PNC) | 16:18 | 16:20 | 2 | 0 | ||
Patna Junction(PNBE) | 16:50 | 17:00 | 10 | 0 | ||
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction(DDU) | 20:23 | 20:43 | 20 | 0 | ||
Kanpur Central(CNB) | 01:40 | 01:48 | 8 | 1 | ||
Anand Vihar Terminal(ANVT) | 08:10 | destination | destination | 1 |
12368/Vikramshila Express, Delhi to Bhagalpur Route, Schedule & Time Table –
Vikramshila Express train runs with the numbers 12367 & 12368 between the stations New Delhi, the capital of India and Bhagalpur. It follows the route via Patna, Jamalpur, Munger and Barh.
The average speed of this train is 58 km/hr and covers a total distance of about 1209 kms. The total time taken to cover the entire stretch along with the halts is 21 hours & 45 minutes. The train 12367 departs Bhagalpur at 11.15 hours in the morning to reach Anand Vihar the next day at 08:00 hours. The train 12368 departs Anand Vihar, New Delhi station at 14:40 to reach Bhagalpur at 12:25 hours, the next day.
There are in total 23 coaches in this train, comprising of 13 sleeper class coach, 5 AC coach, 2 general class and 1 pantry car. This express time is quite popular among passengers in this route, and hence, it will be wise to undertake advance booking. The coaches are also cleaned and well-maintained. Its punctuality factor is what helps passengers to reach their destination on time.
It crosses four major regions including Patna, Barh, Bhagalpur, Munger and Jamalpur. Bhagalpur is regarded to be among the biggest and largest cities in Bihar. The prominent halts include Bariarpur, Jamalpur, Sultanganj, Dharhara, Kajra, Kiul, Abhaipur, Barh, Luckeesarai, Hathidah, Bakhtiyarpur, Mokama, Khusropur, Patna Sahib, Fatuha, Kanpur Central, Patna Jn., & Mughal Sarai Jn.
Jamalpur shed hauls the train between Bhagalpur station & Kiul Jn. after which, WAP 7 hauls between Kiul Jn. & Anand Vihar Jn.
Anand Vihar Terminal(ANVT) | origin | 14:40 | origin | 0 | ||
Kanpur Central(CNB) | 20:25 | 20:35 | 10 | 0 | ||
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction(DDU) | 02:58 | 03:18 | 20 | 1 | ||
Patna Junction(PNBE) | 06:20 | 06:30 | 10 | 1 | ||
Patna Saheb(PNC) | 06:48 | 06:50 | 2 | 1 | ||
Fatuha Junction(FUT) | 07:00 | 07:02 | 2 | 1 | ||
Khusropur(KOO) | 07:11 | 07:13 | 2 | 1 | ||
Bakhtiyarpur Junction(BKP) | 07:28 | 07:30 | 2 | 1 | ||
Barh(BARH) | 07:42 | 07:44 | 2 | 1 | ||
Mokama(MKA) | 08:12 | 08:14 | 2 | 1 | ||
Hathidah Junction(HTZ) | 08:20 | 08:22 | 2 | 1 | ||
Barhiya(BRYA) | 08:34 | 08:36 | 2 | 1 | ||
Luckeesarai Junction(LKR) | 09:08 | 09:10 | 2 | 1 | ||
Kiul Junction(KIUL) | 09:50 | 09:55 | 5 | 1 | ||
Kajra(KJH) | 10:13 | 10:14 | 1 | 1 | ||
Abhaipur(AHA) | 10:26 | 10:27 | 1 | 1 | ||
Dharhara(DRH) | 10:41 | 10:42 | 1 | 1 | ||
Jamalpur Junction(JMP) | 11:04 | 11:14 | 10 | 1 | ||
Bariarpur(BUP) | 11:26 | 11:27 | 1 | 1 | ||
SultanGanj(SGG) | 11:48 | 11:49 | 1 | 1 | ||
Bhagalpur Junction(BGP) | 12:25 | destination | destination | 1 |
Are you the one planning to travel in famous Vikramshila express boarded by passengers in large numbers? Want to know more about 12367/68 Vikramshila express? It is a well known and famous train supposed to be linking one of the biggest cities of Bihar that is Bhagalpur to India’s capital that is New Delhi. Along with this, the express is known to cross the four prominent and leading cities including Barh, Patna, Bihar, Jamalpur, Munger, and Bhagalpur. Running with two train numbers that are 12367 and 12368, train 12367 heads from Bhagalpur station to Anand Vihar terminal and on the other side, train 12368 heads from Anand Vihar terminal to Bhagalpur station.
A Brief about 12367/68 Vikramshila Express
As per the time table of Vikramshila express been defined, train 12367 departs from Bhagalpur station at 11:15 hours IST and reaches Anand Vihar station at 08:00 hours. On the other side, train 12368 departs from Anand Vihar junction at 14:40 hours and reaches at Bhagalpur station at 12:25 hours. In earlier days, Vikramshila express used to run from Bhagalpur station to Patna station and from Patna, boggies of the Vikramshila express were linked to Magadh express and the train name is been derived as Magadh express at that time. In fact, it is been counted among one of the most popular and preferable trains running in between New Delhi station and Patna station.
With time, when Nitish Kumar became the honourable railway minister of the country, he gave Vikramshila express its own identity and name and from then it used to start running in between Anand Vihar and Bhagalpur. Counted and reckoned as one of the fastest running trains of Indian Railways, from Bhagalpur station to Kiul junction, it runs with a diesel engine and from Kiul station onwards, diesel engine is been replaced by electric engine. Even, on the return journey, it runs with electric engine from Anand Vihar station to Kiul junction and afterwards, it runs with an electric engine. The train is boarded by people in large numbers belonging from Bhagalpur, Bariarpur, Sultanganj, Abhaipur, Jamalpur junction, Kajra, Barhiya, Luckeesarai, Mokama junction, Hathidah station, and Barh. For Bhagalpur people, Vikramshila express is been recognized as one of the most important and significant trains and is undoubtedly a big sigh of relief for people of Jamalpur, Bhagalpur, Barh and Kiul. The stoppages took by the train are at Bhagalpur, Sultanganj, Bariarpur, Jamalpur, Dharhara, Abhaipur, Kajra, Kiul, Luckeesarai, Barhiya, Hathidah, Mokama, Barh, Bakhtiyarpur, Khusropur, Fatuha, Patna Sahib, Patna junction, Mughalsarai junction, Kanpur Central and Anand Vihar terminal. The overall distance covered by the express is 1209 km with an average running speed of 58 km/hour. Paid catering facilities are available in the express and people traveling can also opt for going for e-catering services and facilities and place orders within minutes to be delivered at any of the station of their choice so that when the train arrives, food will be waiting all along at the station to get served. Happy travel!
The Vikaramshila Express is the train connecting Bhagalpur to Anand Vihar. In hindsight, it is a superfast train operating on a daily basis connecting the states of Bihar and New Delhi. The entire distance of 1209 km is covered in a time span of 22 hours. Because of this train, improved business relations are expected between Bhagalpur to the national capital of New Delhi. It is regarded to be one of the important trains in Bhagalpur as it is one of the frequented trains from this station. In addition to this, the train is important for the people of Mokum, Jamalpur, and Kiul in the state of Bihar. The reason for it is that all the places are witnessing a boom in industrial improvement, and hence, the connectivity to the national capital is important.
Because of the fact that a large majority of people travel by this train, it is packed to capacity. If you want a confirmed berth, then you need to book your ticket. If you are a last-minute traveler, then Tatkal is the viable option. The train has 23 coaches with 5 coaches of AC, 13 of the sleeper and 2 general. There are pantry car services on this train. In fact, the average running status is pretty decent, and it is one of the safest trains in the country. From time to time the coaches are cleaned, and the only area where it lacks behind is the seat reservation aspect.
The Vikramshila Express is a daily train running between Bhagalpur Junction and New Delhi Anand Vihar Terminal. The superfast daily train covers a distance of 1209 km in 21hours 45mins with 19 halts on its route.
The train connects important cities from the state of Bihar to the capital of India. Three major cities, Bhagalpur, Jamalpur, and Patna of Bihar are connected to New Delhi with an aim of improved mutual business between the important nearby cities and the capital of the country. The Vikramshila is considered the most important train to Bhagalpur station as it observes the highest percentage of people traveling in it every day. Other than Bhagalpur, the train is also of great importance for Jamalpur, Kiul and Mokam Junctions in the state of Bihar. All the above four locations of Bihar are experiencing industrial development, and the daily access to New Delhi is of great importance for the businesses. Due to this lucrative route, the train observes high demand, and hence advance ticket booking is a must. However, you can make use of Tatkal facility of Indian railways for instant booking in case of emergency.
While running from Bhagalpur to New Delhi, the train runs with the train number 12367 and departs from Bhagalpur junction at 11:15 am every day and reaches New Delhi Anand Vihar Terminal at 8:00 am the next day. Similarly, the 12368 Vikramshila Express leaves New Delhi Anand Vihar Terminal every day at 14:40 and reaches Bhagalpur Junction at 12:25 the next day. Due to the long distance, the train enjoys on board Pantry Car and catering facilities. Privatized e-catering services are also available from all major stations on the route. For advance ticket booking, you can also rely on online ticket booking services on IRCTC website and experience a complete hassle free service.
12367/68 Vikramshila Express Fare and Coach Position Seat Map
Vikramshila Express is a superfast category train, operating with train numbers 12367 and 12368. The train is belonging to Eastern Indian Railways. The superfast Vikramshila Express is connecting Bhagalpur and Anand Vihar terminal in the country. It runs on daily basis and covers a total distance of 1209 km in about 19 hours. There are 22 coaches in the express, involving AC first, second, third tier coaches, sleeper, and unreserved coaches. As per the Coach Position Seat Map, the rakes in the express start as unreserved ones, sleeper coaches as S1 to S9, a pantry car, composite first tier/second tier coach as HA1, AC second tier coach as A1, AC third tier coaches as B1 to B5, and the unreserved ones. As per the fare chart, in general class, the fare charged from an adult would be Rs. 3290 in 1A, Rs. 1945 in 2A, Rs. 1365 in 3A, Rs. 525 in SL, Rs. 345 in 2S and Rs. 300 in GN. In tatkal class, the fare would be Rs. 1865 in 1A, Rs. 1080 in 2A, Rs. 760 in 3A, Rs. 295 in SL, Rs. 345 in 2S and Rs. 155 in GN. Have a safe travel!
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout:-
Composite AC One Tier/Two Tier(HA):- Seeking for updates relevant to Composite AC One Tier/Two Tier (HA) Seat map layout in the famous and popular Vikramshila express? The train runs in between Bhagalpur and New Delhi in India and operates with train numbers 12367 and 12368. It has 23 coaches as of now in total including AC II tier, AC III tier, general class and sleeper class coaches. It even has a pantry car attached and users can seek for hot and fresh e-catering food meal services in the running train as per the desire and convenience. To understand more about the coach position of both composite AC one tier and two tier coach; it is practical to first check out the seating map and get the clarity from there. The seating map layout and structure will give you an insight about the seat numbering as well as berths available in each compartment. In one tier composite AC; there are only 2 berths in each cabin including an upper one and a lower one. Other side, in two tier composite AC class, there are 4 berths in each cabin involving a lower berth, an upper berth, a side lower berth and a side upper berth. In all, checking up the seat map of each coach could really save people time and let them know in advance only about the seating structure and arrangement. Enjoy the travel and do order for e-catering onboard facilities to make it more pleasing.
Second Tire AC Coach(2A):- Want to get an insight about Second Tier AC Coach (2A) details and position in Vikramshila express? If yes, here you will get the same for sure. Want to travel in between New Delhi and Bhagalpur or somewhere in between these destinations in India? Planning to get tickets in second tier AC coach in the train and so? To grab details about the second tier AC coach and coach position in the same, it is always better and efficient to simply have a look at the Indian Railways seat map and then fetch out the necessary details. As devised by the Indian Railways department, the berths available to seat and to sleep in second tier AC coach are 46 in total. The berths available are lower berth, upper berth, side lower berth and side upper berth. Each berth category is been classified in different colour span and people can easily make out the difference in between them. The train has 22 coaches in total as of now, and rake 17 belongs to second tier AC coach in this train. There is a pantry car attached too within the train and as per the desire and wish, travellers can think of availing and opting food delivery in train as well through e-catering service providers. So, check out the seat map of the second tier coach, look out for the seat number and know about the right coach position and have a safe travel.
Third Tier AC Coach:- Looking for updates relevant to 3rd AC coach position in the popular and well-known train that is Vikramshila express? Indeed, you will get some here. The train is been heading in between Bhagalpur and New Delhi across the country. It has been running from both ends with train numbers 12367 and 12368. As of now, it is been comprised with 22 coaches in total. The coach classification it has includes first class AC, second tier AC, third tier AC, general unreserved and sleeper class coaches. To understand and get an idea of the location of your seat in the 3rd AC coach position, it is best to first do check out the train seat map of that coach and then figure out other details. The train has a pantry car though already attached but people can opt for onboard e-catering food delivery services as well as per the requirement and need. Aside from this, when you check out the train seating map of the 3rd AC tier, you can find out the coach entrance and exit points in the same, class code, coach code, as well as many other details like the seating number and layout in overall including lower berth, middle berth and upper berth and side upper and side lower berth too. Every berth classification could be easily distinguished with the help of different colour scheme and that is easy to understand and grasp too. So, make your understanding way better and clear after having a look at the same and have a safe travel.
Sleeper Class Non AC coach(SL):- Seeking for updated information related to sleeper class coach position in the Vikramshila express? If yes, here you will definitely get to know about the same. Planning to travel in between New Delhi and Bhagalpur in India or somewhere in between these destinations? Looking out for rail tickets in the train in sleeper class coach? The best and efficient way to know more about the sleeper class coach position in the train is to simply have a look at the seat map of the same and then grab information from there in detail. In sleeper class coach of the train, there are five berths available involving lower berth, middle berth, upper berth, side lower berth and side upper berth. While looking at the seat map, it will give you clarity and information regarding even the door, coach entrance and exit points and other features as well. Each berth is been colour schemed and that is actually simple and easy to identify out. Out of 22 coaches available in the train, rake 3 to rake 14 is been allocated to sleeper class coach and as per the information, the train even has a pantry car available belonging to rake 15. Feel free to try your favorite cuisine while being ordered food from e-catering food service provider at cost efficient prices. In sleeper class coach, 72 berths are available in order to seat and to sleep. Have a happy and enjoyable travel!
Unreserved Second Class Compartment(GS):- Looking for information online related to Unreserved Second Class Compartment in Vikramshila express? Want to travel in between Bhagalpur and Anand Vihar in New Delhi or somewhere in between them across the country? If yes, do read on the following and get to know of the same here. The train is quite a popular one and runs in between Bhagalpur and New Delhi in India. It operates from both sides with train numbers 12367 and 12368. Considering the coaches, the train has in total 22 coaches available and rake with numbers 2 and 21 belongs to GS coaches. Just as a piece of information, there is even a pantry car attached within the train. If desired, feel free to try scrumptious and mouth watering food delivery in train services as well from Travel Khana and make the most of your journey. If you are going to travel in GS coach, make sure to always be on time at the station as the tickets need to be bought from the counter itself in order to travel in the respective coach. People can buy tickets from the railway counter in general seating or in unreserved to travel in GS coach and there are 2 compartments book for the same. Make sure to do check out the seat map to know more of the coach and have a safe and hassle free journey.
Seating Cum Luggage Rake (SLR):- Have you been thinking to do travel in the superfast running VIKRAMSHILA EXPRESS in the Seating Cum Luggage Rake (SLR) coach that runs on daily basis in between Bhagalpur junction and Anand Vihar terminal across the country? It operates from both sides with train numbers 12367 and 12368. The distance that is covered by the train in total is 1208 kms. It runs with an average speed of 58 km/hour and takes about 20 hours and 55 minutes of time to cover the entire journey. It is stopping by at about 19 halts within the travel. The superfast train has 22 coaches available as of now and rake with numbers 1 and 22 belongs to SLR coaches. To do travel in them, do make sure to reach by the station within time as one coach is basically for keeping the luggage and other one is for the challenged people to sit by as the compartment is segregated and all. There is even a pantry car attached within. Do feel free to try out fresh quality and hot e-catering food meal services as desired and make the most of your journey. Dig down and have a look at the seat map and know more of the coach.
Want to know about VIKRAMSHILA EXPRESS Fare Chart as devised by the Railways? If yes, do read on the following and you will come to know of the same. The train runs in between New Delhi and Bhagalpur across the country. It operates from both sides with train numbers 12367 and 12368. The train has 22 coaches available in total and the fare that is applicable to be charged in respective class of travel that is sleeper, AC 3 tier, AC 2 tier, and AC first class are been mentioned here. The fare that is applicable in general quota is Rs. 550 in a sleeper, Rs. 1455 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 2100 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 3585 in AC first class. From a child, the fare that is applicable is Rs. 280 in a sleeper, Rs. 730 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 1050 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 1800 in AC first class. From a senior citizen female, the fare that is applicable is Rs. 300 in sleeper, Rs. 775 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 1100 in AC 2 tier and Rs. 1865 in AC first class. From a senior citizen male, the fare that is applicable is Rs. 350 in sleeper, Rs. 910 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 1300 in AC 2 tier and Rs. 2210 in AC first class.
Vikramshila Express 12368 Seat Availability
Vikramshila Express train runs with the numbers 12367 & 12368 between the stations New Delhi, the capital of India and Bhagalpur. It follows the route via Patna, Jamalpur, Munger, and Barh.
The average speed of this train is 58 km/hr and covers a total distance of about 1209 kms. The total time taken to cover the entire stretch along with the halts is 21 hours & 45 minutes. The train 12367 departs Bhagalpur at 11.15 hours in the morning to reach Anand Vihar the next day at 08:00 hours. The train 12368 departs Anand Vihar, New Delhi station at 14:40 to reach Bhagalpur at 12:25 hours, the next day.
It crosses four major regions including Patna, Barh, Bhagalpur, Munger and Jamalpur. Bhagalpur is regarded to be among the biggest and largest cities in Bihar. The prominent halts include Bariarpur, Jamalpur, Sultanganj, Dharhara, Kajra, Kiul, Abhaipur, Barh, Luckeesarai, Hathidah, Bakhtiyarpur, Mokama, Khusropur, Patna Sahib, Fatuha, Kanpur Central, Patna Jn., & Mughal Sarai Jn.
There are in total 23 coaches in this train, comprising of 13 sleeper class coach, 5 AC coach, 2 general class and 1 pantry car. This express time is quite popular among passengers in this route and hence, it will be wise to undertake advance booking. The coaches are also cleaned and well maintained. Its punctuality factor is what helps passengers to reach their destination on time.
For seat availability, passengers may check the reputed portal IRCTC or any other trustworthy travel portal to get the details and book the tickets accordingly.
Jamalpur shed hauls the train between Bhagalpur station & Kiul Jn. after which, WAP 7 hauls between Kiul Jn. & Anand Vihar Jn.
Stoppages of 12367/68 Vikramshila express
The Stoppages of 12367/68 Vikramshila express are at 19 halts in total in between the journey and the prime ones are at Kanpur Central, Pt DD Upadhyaya junction, Patna, Patna Saheb, Kiul and Jamalpur station. The respective stoppage time at these prime stoppages in between the journey is of 10 minutes at Jamalpur, 5 minutes at Kiul, 5 minutes at Patna Saheb, 10 minutes at Patna, 10 minutes at Kanpur Central and 10 minutes at Pt DD Upadhyaya. The superfast express comes under the supervision of Northern Railways and operates in between Anand Vihar terminal and Bhagalpur junction across the country and that too on daily basis. It covers a total of 1208 km in about 21 hours and 45 minutes of travel time. The operating speed of the express is 56 km/hour. There are 22 coaches available in the express as of now in total and composition wise, it has first class, second class, third class, sleeper and general category coaches. There is even a pantry car attached within. In general class, the fare that will be charged is Rs. 3290 in 1A, Rs. 1945 in 2A, Rs. 1365 in 3A, Rs. 575 in SL and Rs. 300 in GN.