11051/11052 Solapur – CSMT Kolhapur Express Time table and Route Map
Seeking information about Time table and route map of Solapur CSMT Kolhapur express? If yes, here you will get to know of the same. Being a superfast intercity express, it connects Solapur of Maharashtra and Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj terminus in Maharashtra. Running on daily basis, it runs with train numbers 11051 and 11052 from both ends. The distance travelled by the train is 316 km. Running with an average operating speed of 47 km/hour, the travelling time taken by the train is 6 hours and 45 minutes. When it comes to coaches, it has AC II tier, AC III tier, general unreserved and sleeper class of coaches. Want to know of the timings at which the train starts and stops its journey? As per the time table, train 11051 leaves Solapur at 23:35 hours and reaches Kolhapur CSMT junction at 06:20 hours. Other side, train 11052 leaves Kolhapur CSMT junction at 23:55 hours and reaches Solapur at 07:35 hours. Considering the route that the train follows, it is via crossing Miraj, Dhalgaon, Sangola, Pandharpur, Modnimb, and Kurduvadi junction. The train has 15 coaches available in total and there is no as such pantry car attached in the train. Do feel free to try out fresh and quality e-catering food meal services in the train from Travel Khana and make your journey even more fulfilling and satisfactory one. Have a safe travel!