About 12397/12398 Mahabodhi SF Express

About 12397/12398 Mahabodhi SF Express

Do you want to know About 12397/12398 MAHABODHI SF EXPRESS? Have you been planning to do travel in the same? Being a superfast train and running on daily basis, it runs in between New Delhi junction and Gaya junction across the country. The distance that the train covers in total is 992 km. It runs with an average speed of 65 km/hour and takes about 15 hours and 10 minutes of time in covering the entire journey. It is stopping by at 14 halts within the travel. Considering the coaches, the train has 22 coaches available as of now and it comprises AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, sleeper and general unreserved class coaches. There is even a pantry car attached within and if desired, feel free to try out e-catering food meal services from the train as per the convenience from Travel Khana. Also, if you are planning to do travel on confirmed dates, it is always advisable to do make the booking at its earliest as could be possible. Adding to this, feel free to check out the seat map as well to know more of that coach and enjoy a safe and smooth travel

12397/12398 Mahabodhi SF Express Time Table and Route Map

Train details Facilities Onboard
Travel Time: 14h 15m
Halts: 13
Distance: 992km
Avg Speed: 70km/hr
Cleanliness: Good
Punctuality: Good
E-Catering Yes
Ticket availability: Good
Mobile/Laptop Charger Yes

Did you travel before on the route of New Delhi&Bihar via Train? Are you going to plan for Gaya which is in Bihar & New Delhi or somewhere near to this route? Checking out online to get updates related to Mahabodhi SF expressand its Time table,seat structure or route map?If yes, here you will get all such information in the below.

On the Route of New Delhi, Kanpur, Allahabad and Gaya one of the superfast train of Indian Railways is Mahabodhi expresswhich is connecting Gaya in the state of Bihar with the capital of India. This train is been heading in between Gaya Junction (GAYA) and New Delhi (NDLS) across the country. And has been operating with 2 train numbers 12397 & 12398.

Total travelling supposed to be covered by this train is 992kms of a total distance within15 hours & 10 minutes approx. It runs with an average operating speed of 65 km/hour to cover the same. Total halt in between is on 14 stations with the maximum halt timing is 15 mints on Pt DD UpadhyayaJn (DDU) station.

Mahabodhi expressRunning on daily basis, train 12398 departed from New Delhi Junction at 12:10 hours and arrive at Gaya junction at 03:20 hrs. And on the reverse direction train 12397 leaves from Gaya junction at 14:20 hours and reach at New Delhiat 04:40. The time table of the train could be checked on Travel Khana website easily and it will hardly take few minutes to get access to all the other information of this train. Have a happy journey.

12397/Mahabodhi SF Express, GAYA/Gaya – NDLS/New Delhi Junction Route, Schedule & Time Table-

Gaya Junction(GAYA) origin 14:15 origin 0
Guraru(GRRU) 14:33 14:35 2 0
RafiGanj(RFJ) 14:47 14:49 2 0
Anugraha Narayan Road(AUBR) 15:10 15:12 2 0
Dehri On Sone(DOS) 15:26 15:28 2 0
Sasaram Junction(SSM) 15:42 15:44 2 0
Kudra(KTQ) 16:03 16:05 2 0
Bhabua Road(BBU) 16:21 16:23 2 0
Chandauli Majhwar(CDMR) 16:47 16:49 2 0
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction(DDU) 17:30 17:40 10 0
Vindhyachal(BDL) 18:42 18:44 2 0
Allahabad Junction(ALD) 19:50 20:00 10 0
Bharwari(BRE) 20:25 20:26 1 0
Kanpur Central(CNB) 22:15 22:20 5 0
Aligarh Junction(ALJN) 01:32 01:34 2 1
New Delhi(NDLS) 04:30 destination destination 1

12398/Mahabodhi SF Express, NDLS/New Delhi – GAYA/Gaya Junction Route, Schedule & Time Table-

New Delhi(NDLS) origin 12:10 origin 0
Aligarh Junction(ALJN) 13:51 13:53 2 0
Kanpur Central(CNB) 17:30 17:40 10 0
Bharwari(BRE) 19:12 19:13 1 0
Allahabad Junction(ALD) 20:15 20:20 5 0
Vindhyachal(BDL) 21:23 21:25 2 0
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction(DDU) 23:25 23:27 2 0
Chandauli Majhwar(CDMR) 23:55 23:56 1 0
Bhabua Road(BBU) 00:22 00:23 1 1
Kudra(KTQ) 00:40 00:41 1 1
Sasaram Junction(SSM) 01:01 01:02 1 1
Dehri On Sone(DOS) 01:17 01:19 2 1
Anugraha Narayan Road(AUBR) 01:32 01:33 1 1
RafiGanj(RFJ) 01:57 01:58 1 1
Guraru(GRRU) 02:11 02:12 1 1
Gaya Junction(GAYA) 03:20 destination destination 1

12397/12398 Mahabodhi SF Express Fare and Coach Position Seat Map

Planning to travel in a daily running superfast train that is Mahabodhi express? Heading in between Gaya and New Delhi every day, it is among one of the most desirable and known trains running in India. The distance travelled by the train is 992 kms. Running with a fair good speed of 66 km/hour, it takes only 15 hours and 5 minutes of time to complete the overall excursion. Also, it is operating with train numbers 12397 and 12398. As scheduled, train 12397 leaves Gaya at 14:20 hours and reaches New Delhi at 04:40 hours on second day of the travel. Train 12398 on the other side leaves New Delhi at 12:10 hours and reaches Gaya on second day at 03:15 hours.

The fare for a single person seeking out tickets in Mahabodhi express in general quota is 1,860 in 2A, 1,300 in 3A, 490 in SL and 265 in GN. In tatkal quota, the fare will change to 2,385 in 2A, 1,660 in 3A, and 620 in SL. Comprising 22 coaches in total; it has AC II tier, sleeper class and general unreserved coaches. In S10 coach, the seats are 17, 18, 19 and 23. Have a look at the seat map and get better clarity about the same.   

Train Coach Position And Seat Layout all Classes:-

Second Tier AC Coach(2A):  Looking for information related to Mahabodhi Express? Are you planning to travel in the second Tier AC (2AC) Coach of Mahabodhi? If yes, you will get the information about the same by simply reading the following.

Mahabodhi express is one of the popular & superfast express trains which is been boarded by passengers in big numbers as it is connecting two of the most prime states of the country that is New Delhi and Bihar.

Train running from New Delhi to Gaya Junction. It operates from both ends with 2 train numbers 12397 and 12398. Total travel timings in distance are of 992 km which the train covers within 15 hours &10 minutes of total journey. Did you book the tickets to travel in this train of Second class category and want to know of the coach position & about second tier AC coach(2A)? The train has total number of 22 coaches attached with the train and amongst them LHB rake with number 2nd& 3rd coach belongs to second tier coach naming A1& A2. As per the seat map of the two tier coach, each row has only 4 berths in total in which upper (2), lower (2) and Side lower (1) upper lower (1). Fare of second AC is INR’ 1860 from NDLS – New Delhi to Gaya. There is e-catering van or pantry car attached within. To know about second tier coach position in the train, it is good to have a look on the seat map of the respective coach given by Indian Railways.Third Tier AC coach(3A):- Are you thinking of travelling in the MAHABODHI SF EXPRESS in the Third Tier AC coach (3A) that runs on daily basis? Belonging to Indian Railways, the superfast train runs in between Gaya junction and New Delhi junction across the country. The distance that is covered by the train in total is 992 km. It runs with an average speed of 65 km/hour and takes about 15 hours and 10 minutes of time in covering the entire distance. It stops by at about 14 halts in between the journey. As far as coaches are been into consideration, the train has 22 coaches available in total and rake with numbers 17, 18 and 19 belongs to third tier AC coaches. Aside from this, second tier coach, sleeper and general unreserved class coaches are there. To travel in 3A coaches, the best way is to look at the seat map of that coach, as been designed by Railways and gather information from there including the berths it is having, exact seat position with the help of seat number in case you have the confirmed reservation to travel in this train, etc. There is even a pantry car attached within and if needed, do get the hot and fresh e-catering food meal services from Travel Khana.Sleeper Class Non AC Coach(SL)Unreserved Class Compartment(GS)

End on Generator(EOG):- Mahabodhi Express is an express running with train numbers 12397 and 12398 from both ends. East Central Railways supervises the express and it connects Gaya and New Delhi stations across the country. It runs daily and covers a total distance of 992 km in about 14 hours and 15 minutes. There are 22 coaches in total in Mahabodhi Express. At the end, rake with positions 1 and 22 are EOGs, stands for End on Generators (EOG). Aside from EOGs, the train has AC second tier, AC third tier, sleeper, and general unreserved coaches. Even, it has a pantry service attached in the express. EOGs are mostly used on fully air conditioned trains including Rajdhani and Shatabdi expresses, to generate more power. It supplies electricity in the expresses in the railway coaches for fans, lighting, air conditioning purposes. The speed with which it operates is 70 km/hour. Travellers can opt for e-catering food meals if they wish being ordered from Travel Khana, the well known e-catering delivery service provider. In general class, the fare that would be charged is Rs. 490 in sleeper, Rs. 1300 in AC 3 tier, and Rs. 1860 in AC 2 tier coach. Have a safe and hassle free travel!
