About 12650/12649 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express (Via Kacheguda)

About 12650/12649 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express

Trains, right from its introduction in the country have played a vital role to bring about a major revolution in the country and help people to exchange their culture and knowledge. It is a well-known fact that the Indian Railways is the biggest employer in the world and maintains a huge fleet of trains that is otherwise not present anywhere else in the world. It is what makes most people both domestic and foreigners to be astonished. With hundreds of trains running all through the day connecting different parts of the country, it does make an interesting and very astonishing aspect that needs to be considered. Moreover, there are several zones that are earmarked by the Indian Railways Board so that management of the whole fleet can be easier and well managed. The railways do try to upgrade from time to time and keep up itself with the latest technology and try to provide the passengers with comfort and convenience in the best possible manner.

12650/12649 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express (Via Kacheguda) 

The Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express is said to run between Yeswanthapur, Bangalore and ends at Hazrat Nizamuddin, Delhi. Besides this, there is another train of the same name that is said to commute between Yeshwanthpur and Chandigarh. This train is said to offer an excellent substitute to Karnataka Express. Furthermore, it is also termed to be a Superfast Express.

Its Routes –

The Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express is said to follow three major routes, which are:

  • 12649 / 50 through Bhopal, Nagpur, Kacheguda that covers a distance of 2276 kilometre in just 35 hours 15 minutes. This train is available for passengers five days in a week.
  • 12629 / 30 Karnataka Sampark kranti through Bhopal, Manmad Junction, Pune Junction, Hubli. This train plies twice a week and covers a distance of about 2610 kilometre in about 43 hours.
  • 22685 / 86 through Bhopal, Manmad Junction, Pune Junction and Hubli. This train plies twice in a week and covers a total distance of 2866 kilometres. The time taken from origin to its destination is about 52 hours, 30 minutes.

It’s Relevance –

The Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express has been introduced for providing quicker connectivity from different state capitals to country capital. Karnataka Sampark Kranti is rather regarded as a revolution in terms of connectivity. It has been aimed towards providing faster connectivity. This express train does travel much faster and is preferred by every passenger.

Moreover, it is also the very best train that runs between New Delhi and the electronic city with lightning speed. Washrooms inside the train are efficiently maintained. The staffs are also disciplined and efficient in their endeavours. The best part is that this train always arrives on time and is, undoubtedly, much faster than that of Bangalore Rajdhani. The train’s fare is quite nominal and affordable by everyone.

It’s Running Speed –

The Karnataka Sampark Kranti is said to commute at average speed of about 40.3 mph or 65 km/hr and its approximate peak speed is about 68.3 mph or 110 km/hr.

12650 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express (Via Kacheguda) Hazrat Nizamuddin to Yashwantpura Route, Schedule & Time Table –

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Stoppage Time
NZM Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin origin 06:40 Origin
JHS Jhansi Junction 12:05 12:15 10 min
BPL Bhopal Junction 16:05 16:15 10 min
NGP NAGPUR 22:10 22:20 10 min
KCG KACHEGUDA 07:05 07:15 10 min
KRNT KURNOOL TOWN 11:05 11:07 2 min
DMM DHARMAVARAM JN 15:15 15:20 5 min
YPR Banglore yashwantpura JN 19:10 destination Destination

12649 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express (Via Kacheguda) Yashwantpura to Hazrat Nizamuddin Route, Schedule & Time Table –

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Stoppage Time
YPR Banglore Yashwantpura JN origin 22:10 Origin
DMM DHARMAVARAM JN 00:40 00:45 5 min
KRNT KURNOOL TOWN 04:25 04:27 2 min
KCG KACHEGUDA 08:25 08:35 10 min
NGP NAGPUR 17:05 17:15 10 min
BPL Bhopal Junction 22:55 23:05 10 min
JHS Jhansi Junction 02:50 03:00 10 min
NZM Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin 09:15 destination Destinatio

12650/12649 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express Coaches

Train Coach Position And Seat Layout all Classes:-

Want to get an insight of the train numbers 12650/12649 KARNATAKA SAMPARK KRANTI EXPRESS COACHES? KARNATAKA SAMPARK KRANTI EXPRESS is counted among the superfast trains and train 12649 and 12650 are running in between Hazrat Nizamuddin junction and Yesvantpur junction across the country on daily basis. The superfast train belongs under the supervision of South Western Railways. The distance that is covered by the train is 1667 kms. It runs with an average operating speed of 68 km/hour and takes about 24 hours and 40 minutes in covering the entire distance. It is stopping by at mere 5 halts in between the travel. When it comes to coaches available in the superfast train KARNATAKA SAMPARK KRANTI EXPRESS, there are in total 24 coaches available and coach composition is been like involving composite AC first tier and second tier coach, AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, sleeper and general unreserved class coaches. There is even a pantry car attached within. If desired, do even opt for e-catering food meal services from Travel Khana. Also, do check out the respective coach seat maps in which you are travelling as per Railways to get an insight of the seat position and other details.

Composite AC Second Tier:- The Composite AC Second Tier and one tier coach in the superfast running KARNATAKA SAMPARK KRANTI EXPRESS, which is operating with train numbers 12649 and 12650 from both sides, is available with rake number 22. In total, 24 coaches are available in the superfast express as of now. There is even a pantry car attached within. Aside from the composite AC one tier and second tier coach, the express has third tier coach, general class coach and sleeper class coach available. To travel in the same, it is required to make the booking as early as possible in the express. And, it is a blend of both first class tier and second tier coaches. So, the berths available include first tier, second tier, side upper and side lower berths. The express is supervised by the South Western Indian Railways and is operating on daily basis in between Yesvantpur station and Hazrat Nizamuddin station across the country. It covers a total of 1667 km and in a travel time of 24 hours and 40 minutes. It stops by at 5 halts within and runs with a speed of 68 km/hour. The fare in general category is Rs. 5405 in 1A, Rs. 3165 in 2A, Rs. 2180 in 3A, Rs. 840 in SL, and Rs. 450 in GN. 

First Tier AC Coach (1A):- Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express is belonging to South Western Railways. It is operating with train numbers 12649 and 12650 from both ends. The express is connecting Yesvantpur junction and Hazrat Nizamuddin junction in the country. The running frequency of the express is five days in a week. It is covering a total distance of 2279 km in about 43 hours and 25 minutes. Its running speed is 63 km/hour. The express takes halt at 17 stations between source and destination junction. There are 22 coaches in the express, including First Tier AC Coach (1A), a pantry car, sleeper, general, unreserved, AC second tier, and AC third tier coaches. Are you travelling in the first tier AC coach in this express? Out of 22 coaches, rake with position number 20 is first tier coach. The coach code of first tier coach 1A is H. The seats to sit and sleep in first tier AC coach are 24 in total. Each coach has a lower berth and an upper berth. It is also having connectivity to door and toilet. In general category, the fare in 1A coach is Rs. 5305. In child category, the fare is Rs. 2660.

Second Tier AC Coach(2A):-

Third Tier AC coach(3A):-

Sleeper Class(SL):- 

Unreserved Class Compartment(GEN):-

Stands for Seating cum Luggage Rake(SLR):-
