12821/12822 Dhauli Express Time Table and Route Map
Want to know about the details related to Time Table and Route Map of Dhauli express? Do you want to travel in between Puri and Howrah in India or in between them somewhere? If yes, do read on the following and know about the train in detail. The daily running express heads in between Puri and Howrah. It operates with train numbers 12821 and 12822 from both sides. The distance travelled by the train in total is of 500 km. It runs with an average running speed of 59 km/hour and takes about 8 hours and 30 minutes to cover the entire distance. In total, it stops by at 13 halts in between and considering the route that the train takes, it is via Kharagpur, Belda, Dantan, Jaleswar, Basta, Balasore, Soro, Bhadrak, Jajpur Keonjhar road, Dhanmandal, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Khurda road. Do you wish to know the time table as well of the train at which it leaves and reaches the respective stations? As per the time table of Dhauli express scheduled, train 12821 leaves Howrah at 06:00 hours and reaches Puri at 14:20 hours. On the other end, train 12822 leaves Puri at 11:45 hours and reaches Howrah at 20:15 hours. In total, the train has 20 coaches available and just for the information, there is no pantry car attached within. Do get the bookings in the train on time and have a safe and trouble free journey.
12821/Dhauli Express, HWH/Howrah – PURI/Puri Route, Schedule & Time Table-
Howrah Junction(HWH) | origin | 06:00 | origin | 0 | ||
Kharagpur Junction(KGP) | 07:40 | 07:45 | 5 | 0 | ||
Belda(BLDA) | 08:15 | 08:16 | 1 | 0 | ||
Dantan(DNT) | 08:30 | 08:32 | 2 | 0 | ||
Jaleswar(JER) | 08:47 | 08:49 | 2 | 0 | ||
Basta(BTS) | 09:06 | 09:08 | 2 | 0 | ||
Balasore(BLS) | 09:30 | 09:34 | 4 | 0 | ||
Soro(SORO) | 09:58 | 09:59 | 1 | 0 | ||
Bhadrak(BHC) | 10:35 | 10:37 | 2 | 0 | ||
Jajpur Keonjhar Road(JJKR) | 11:10 | 11:12 | 2 | 0 | ||
Dhanmandal(DNM) | 11:39 | 11:41 | 2 | 0 | ||
Cuttack Junction(CTC) | 12:18 | 12:20 | 2 | 0 | ||
Bhubaneswar(BBS) | 13:00 | 13:05 | 5 | 0 | ||
Khurda Road Junction(KUR) | 13:30 | 13:35 | 5 | 0 | ||
Puri(PURI) | 14:30 | destination | destination | 0 |
12822/Dhauli Express, PURI/Puri -HWH/Howrah Route, Schedule & Time Table-
Puri(PURI) | origin | 11:35 | origin | 0 | ||
Khurda Road Junction(KUR) | 12:20 | 12:25 | 5 | 0 | ||
Bhubaneswar(BBS) | 12:53 | 12:58 | 5 | 0 | ||
Cuttack Junction(CTC) | 13:33 | 13:38 | 5 | 0 | ||
Dhanmandal(DNM) | 14:05 | 14:07 | 2 | 0 | ||
Jajpur Keonjhar Road(JJKR) | 14:38 | 14:40 | 2 | 0 | ||
Bhadrak(BHC) | 15:28 | 15:30 | 2 | 0 | ||
Soro(SORO) | 15:52 | 15:53 | 1 | 0 | ||
Balasore(BLS) | 16:17 | 16:21 | 4 | 0 | ||
Basta(BTS) | 16:38 | 16:40 | 2 | 0 | ||
Jaleswar(JER) | 16:56 | 16:57 | 1 | 0 | ||
Dantan(DNT) | 17:10 | 17:11 | 1 | 0 | ||
Belda(BLDA) | 17:24 | 17:25 | 1 | 0 | ||
Kharagpur Junction(KGP) | 18:05 | 18:10 | 5 | 0 | ||
Santragachi Junction(SRC) | 19:35 | 19:36 | 1 | 0 | ||
Howrah Junction(HWH) | 20:15 | destination | destination | 0 |
12821/12822 Dhauli Express Coach Position and Seat Map Layout:
When we are traveling by any train of Indian Railways, on a travel ticket, there is a Coach No. on each and every travel ticket, such as A1, B2 and likewise. All of this often sounds to be very confusing for the passenger, and therefore, it becomes difficult for them to understand what all of this means.
Moreover, there is no such way by which we will find what shall be the coach positions at the platforms. Many times it also happens that the passengers miss the train running from one end of the train to another in order to find the seat coach positions. Therefore this problem is tried to solve by providing a detailed coach position of a train in order to ease the hassle that the passengers face. And thus people think about seat coach position and map to reduce the rash.
There is a procedure by which it becomes easy for the passengers to get a coach position; we can use the appropriate website for this. It will make the process easy in just a few steps:
- Firstly, one must go to the Input Box on top that is present below the ‘Coach Position‘
- Then in that Input box one needs to enter the Number of the Train in which the passenger is travelling or will be travelling.
- After the above step is done we have to click on Submit Button for to process to proceed further.
- Lastly, then the Train Coach Position will be displayed based on the information that is provided to us.
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout all Classes:-
Chair car AC Class(CC): One of the favourite way to commute is Travel by Train. Are you also planning to travel by train? The train you opt for your journey is Dhauli expresswhich is running in between Puri and Howrah in India with the 2 operating numbers 12821 &12822. Searching online to get some insights about Chair car AC class (CC) coachof Dhauli Express? If yes, here you will get such information about CC-chair car coach, so keep on readingbelow full details:
Indian Railways has variety of coaches in their ICF & LHB Rakes. Chair car coach is also one of them. Dhauli Express is one of the daily running express train heading in between Howrah&Puri.Average speed of this train is 58 km/hr in which it covers 500 km approx. distance in its entire journey from Puri(PURI) to Howrah Jn (HWH). Total travel time duration is 8 hours & 40 minutes. Total number of coaches it has 19. Out of all 19 there is three coach of Chair car AC Class (CC) coach naming C1,C2& C3. These 3 coach is on the position of 3rd , 4th and 5th of ICF rake of Dhauli express.
Chair car train coaches having total number of 5 seats in a row & divide seats with the name W-M-A. W indicates for window seat, M is for middle and A is used for Aisle. This type of coaches mostly used in high speed superfastexpress trains. Overall AC chair car coach has 73 seating capacity with a fare of Rs. 700 ( for 12 &above age) from PURI to Howrah Junction.Second class Setting(2S):- The Second class seating (2S) coach in the superfast categorized running Dhauli Express, which is supposed to be operating with train numbers 12821 and 12822 from both sides, is been available with rake numbers 5 to 13. There are in total 19 coaches available in the express and aside from second class seating coach, it has chair car and general class category coaches available. There is no pantry car attached within as of now. The Dhauli Express comes under the supervision of East Coast Railways and operates on daily basis in between Howrah junction and Puri terminal across the country. The distance that is covered by the express is 500 km and the travel time is of around 8 hours and 30 minutes. It stops by at 14 halts within and the operating speed of the express is 59 km/hour. The seat map of 2S coach is one of the best means to know about the coach in detail along with the seating structure and other information. The seats available to sit in this coach are 108 and three kinds of seats are available including window seat, middle seat and aisle seat. Each seat is colour coordinated and distinguishing them is easy.
Unreserved Class Compartment(GS):- The Unreserved Class Compartment (GS) coach in the superfast categorized, Dhauli Express, which is supposed to be operating with train numbers 12821 and 12822 from both sides, is available with rake numbers 2, 3, 4 and 18. In total, the express has 19 coaches available and apart from unreserved class compartment coach, it has second class seating, chair car class and general class coaches. There is no pantry car attached within as of now. To travel in the unreserved class compartment coach, the efficient means is to reach by the station on time and buy the tickets from the railway counter at station. The superfast express is supervised by the East Coast Railways and operates on daily basis in between Howrah junction and Puri terminal across the country. It covers a total distance of 500 km and in a travel time of 8 hours and 30 minutes. It stops by at 14 halts within and operates with an average speed of 59 km/hour. The fare in general class will be Rs. 720 in CC, Rs. 195 in 2S and Rs. 165 in GN. In tatkal class, the fare will change to Rs. 910 in CC and Rs. 210 in 2S.
Stands for Seating Cum Luggage Rake(SLR):- Dhauli Express is a daily running service train and it belongs to Eastern Coast Railways. The distance travelled by the train is 500 kms and the travel time is of 8 hours and 45 minutes. It runs with an average speed of 57 km/hour. It stops by at 14 halts within the destinations and the important ones are at Khurda Road, Bhubaneswar, and Kharagpur. Train 12821 departs Kolkata Shalimar junction at 09:15 hours and reaches Puri junction at 18:00 hours. Train 12822 leaves Puri junction at 10:25 hours and reaches Kolkata Shalimar at 19:30 hours. The train has 20 coaches available including AC chair car, second class sitting and SLR coaches. SLR stands for Seating Cum Luggage Rakes and there are two of them, one is attached next to the engine, and the other is at the end of the train. The SLRs are divided into segments meant for keeping the luggage, and having space for sitting disabled people. For an adult, the net fare in general category to travel in the service train would be Rs. 665 in CC, Rs. 180 in 2S, and Rs. 160 in GN. The tatkal charges are Rs. 835 in CC and Rs. 195 in 2S.
Fare Chart of 12821/12822 Dhauli Express
Dhauli Express is a superfast daily running train, operating with train numbers 12821 and 12822 from both ends. The superfast express is belonging to East Coast Railways. The superfast Dhauli Express is connecting Puri and Kolkata Shalimar in India. The distance covered by the express is 47 km and the travel time is of 8 hours and 45 minutes. It is completely an AC Chair Car and second class sitting coach express. There are 20 coaches in the express and no pantry car is there in the train. Do you want to know the Fare Chart Of 12821-12822 DHAULI EXPRESS? In general category, the net fare charged from an adult would be Rs. 685 in CC and Rs. 175 in 2S and Rs. 160 in GN. In tatkal category, the fare would be Rs. 870 in CC and Rs. 205 in 2S. In child quota, the fare would be Rs. 380 in CC and Rs. 105 in 2S and Rs. 85 in GN. In child tatkal, the prices will change to Rs. 605 in CC, and Rs. 120 in 2S. From a senior citizen female, the net fare would be Rs. 380 in CC, and Rs. 105 in 2S and Rs. 160 in GN.
Seat Availability of 12821/12822 Dhauli Express
Dhauli Express is a daily running superfast category train, operating with train numbers 12821 and 12822 from both sides. It belongs to the supervision of East Coast Railways. It is connecting Shalimar and Puri stations in the country. It covers a total distance of 497 km in about 8 hours and 45 minutes.
Are you checking out the Seat Availability of 12821-12822 Dhauli Express? There are 21 coaches in the express, and it covers AC Chair Car, second seating, and general category compartments. Each coach is different and so does its seating layout and structure. It doesn’t have any pantry car attached in the express. To check on the seat availability, first you need to open Indian Railways site or any other source, and click on the seat availability option. Once opened, enter in the train name or train number, and date of desired travel, and see in which coach seats are vacant or not. According to the availability, make sure to do the bookings in the same. It is always advisable to make the bookings at the earliest possible convenience in the express to avoid any hassle for the end moment. Have a safe travel!