About 13187/ 13188 Maa Tara Express
Want to know about time table and route map of Maa Tara express? If yes, read on the following and you will get to know of the same here for sure. The famous Maa Tara Express runs in between Sealdah junction and Rampurhat junction across the country. It operates from both ends with train numbers 13187 and 13188. The distance travelled in total by the train is 226 km. The average running speed of the train is 46 km/hour and it takes 4 hours and 55 minutes of time to cover the entire distance. Do you wish to know about the timing of the train as well at which it leaves and reaches the respective junctions? In accord to the time table defined, train 13187 leaves from Sealdah at 07:20 hours and reaches Rampurhat at 12:15 hours. On the other end, train 13188 leaves from Rampurhat at 14:05 hours and reaches Sealdah at 18:45 hours. Considering the routeing of the train, it is via Tarapith Road, Sainthia junction, Prantik, Bolpur Shantiniketan, Guskara, Barddhaman, Bandel and Naihati. Do make sure to simply have a look at the time table of the train at IRCTC site, by entering in the train number or train name, and as per the preference and seat availability, do get the tickets at its earliest so that there could be no hassle for the last minute of time. Have a safe travel!
Train details | Facilities On board |
Travel Time: | 4h 55m |
Halts: | 8 |
Distance: | 226 km |
Avg Speed: | 46 km/hr |
Cleanliness: | Good |
Punctuality: | Good |
E-Catering | Yes |
Ticket availability: | Good |
Mobile/Laptop Charger | Yes |
13187/ Maa Tara Express SDAH/Sealdah – RPH/Rampurhat Junction Route, Schedule & Time Table–
Sealdah(SDAH) | origin | 07:20 | origin | 0 | ||
Naihati Junction(NH) | 08:12 | 08:14 | 2 | 0 | ||
Bandel Junction(BDC) | 08:38 | 08:40 | 2 | 0 | ||
Barddhaman Junction(BWN) | 09:36 | 09:38 | 2 | 0 | ||
Guskara(GKH) | 10:12 | 10:13 | 1 | 0 | ||
Bolpur Shantiniketan(BHP) | 10:31 | 10:33 | 2 | 0 | ||
Prantik(PNE) | 10:43 | 10:44 | 1 | 0 | ||
Sainthia Junction(SNT) | 11:10 | 11:11 | 1 | 0 | ||
Tarapith Road(TPF) | 11:58 | 11:59 | 1 | 0 | ||
Rampurhat Junction(RPH) | 12:15 | destination | destination | 0 |
13188/ Maa Tara Express RPH/ Rampurhat Junction – SDAH/Sealdah Route, Schedule & Time Table–
Rampurhat Junction(RPH) | origin | 14:05 | origin | 0 | ||
Tarapith Road(TPF) | 14:13 | 14:14 | 1 | 0 | ||
Sainthia Junction(SNT) | 14:34 | 14:35 | 1 | 0 | ||
Prantik(PNE) | 15:00 | 15:01 | 1 | 0 | ||
Bolpur Shantiniketan(BHP) | 15:07 | 15:09 | 2 | 0 | ||
Guskara(GKH) | 15:27 | 15:28 | 1 | 0 | ||
Barddhaman Junction(BWN) | 16:15 | 16:17 | 2 | 0 | ||
Bandel Junction(BDC) | 17:24 | 17:26 | 2 | 0 | ||
Naihati Junction(NH) | 17:50 | 17:52 | 2 | 0 | ||
Sealdah(SDAH) | 18:45 | destination | destination | 0 |
13187/ 13188 Maa Tara Express Train Seat Coach Map and Fare Chart:
If you are planning to travel by the train 13187/ 13188, then you can book tickets of this train conveniently if you know all the details regarding this train like: seat availability, time schedule with day & date, &seat coach map and fare. Ticket booking can be done 4 months -120 days prior to reserve seat as per our choice. Maa Tara expressof 13187&13188 number, running in between Sealdah(SDAH) junction and Rampurhat (RPH) across the country. Sealdah&Rampurhat both is in West Bengal State.Located in East of India. Distance of 226 km in 4 hours &55 minutes covered by this train. This train is running on all the 7 days from Monday to Saturday & Sunday as well. Now we emphasis on Seat coach map. So our Indian Railways offers various type of coach classes in their train.And every passenger has its own Coach &Seat which comes under different classes.
Seat Coach Map means the position of the passenger car or we called it coach in which the passenger is travelling, so the place where it is lying in the queue of the train. We can easily check our coach position & seat number of running trains on Google or on IRCTC website. Seat Coach Position are finally decided during final preparing of reservation chart for trains. These final reservation charts are prepared two to three hour before the actual departure time of train from the source station.Total number of coaches are 14in this train. And their seat map is organized in this manner
1st coach start from SLR then next four coaches from 2 to 5 is of General category, then D1 to D5 coach attached on the position of 6 to 10 which is non AC chair car coach, then moving further next 11th coach is C1 which is AC Chair car coach, then again 2 general coach & 1 which is on 14th position ‘SLR’ coach has been attached as a last coach.
Non AC sitting Coach(D):- Are you planning to do travel in the superfast running train that is Maa Tara Express in the Non AC sitting Coach (D)? The train is known to be supervised by Eastern Railways zone and is operating on daily basis in between Sealdah and Rampurhat junction across the country. The train operates with train numbers 13187 and 13188 from both ends. The distance that is covered by the train is 226 km and it stops by at 8 halts in between the journey. The travel time is of around 4 hours and 55 minutes. The operating speed of the train is 46 km/hour. As far as coaches are there, the train has 14 coaches available as of now and composition includes chair car, second class seating and general class coaches. There is no pantry car attached within. If you want to do travel in the non AC sitting coach D, then look for the seat availability first in this coach and then according to the feasibility and convenience, do make the reservations. The sitting coach has basically spacious legroom as well as seats are comfortable to travel for intercity day. In general class, the fare charged is Rs. 375 in CC, Rs. 105 in 2S, and Rs. 85 in GN. In tatkal class, the fare changes to Rs. 510 in CC and Rs. 115 in 2S. From a child, the fare charged is Rs. 375 in CC, Rs. 105 in 2S and Rs. 45 in GN class category coach.
Chair car AC class(CC):- The Chair car AC class (CC) in the regular running Maa Tara Tarini Express, operating with train numbers 13187 and 13188 from both sides, is available with rake number 3. The total numbers of coaches that are available in the express are 14 and composition wise, it has second class seating, chair car and general class coaches. There is no pantry car attached within as of now. The Maa Tarini Express is been supervised by Eastern Railways zone and is supposed to be operating on daily basis in between Sealdah junction and Rampurhat junction across the country. It is covering a total distance of 226 km in about 4 hours and 55 minutes. It stops by at 8 halts within the travel and the operating speed with which it runs is 46 km/hour. To know about the exact seat position in the chair car class coach, it is advised to simply look at the seat map of the same as been devised by Indian Railways and get an idea of the layout, seat position and overall structure. The seats that are available in the coach are window seat, middle seat and aisle seat. The seats that are available for seating position in the coach are 73.General Unreserved Class(GEN):- Maa Tara Express is a superfast categorized train, operating with train numbers 13187 and 13188 from both ends. It belongs to Eastern Indian Railways, and its service frequency is on daily basis. It covers a total distance of 226 kms in 3 hours and 40 minutes. The train has only 14 coaches, including chair car and general unreserved. The train is connecting Sealdah station in West Bengal with the Rampurhat station in West Bengal in the country. Do you have plans to travel or get the tickets in the general unreserved class (GEN) category? The general unreserved coach has its seating plan, there is no specific layout and people need to buy tickets from the railway station only to travel in this category. It is usually meant for travelling in immediate or urgent purposes. If the seats are vacant or available, people can travel in the same without any inconvenience. The express runs with an average speed of 46 km/hour and stops by at 8 halts within the junctions including Naihati, Bandel, Barddhaman, Guskara, Bolpur Shantiniketan, Prantik, Sainthia and Tarapath. In general category, the net fare for an adult would be Rs. 100 in 2nd sitting and Rs. 365 in AC Chair.
Seating cum Luggage Rake(SLR):- Maa Tara Express is a superfast category train belonging to Eastern Railways zone. It runs with train numbers 13187 and 13188. The train is connecting Sealdah station and Rampurhat station in the country. It runs daily and covers a total distance of 226 km in about 3 hours and 40 minutes. It is a completely Chair Car and general unreserved express. Aside from these, SLRs are there. It stands for Seating cum Luggage Rake (SLR), and are there in the trains to either transport luggage in them, or carry handicapped or challenged people. The ticket for the same need to be bought at the railway station from the counter. There are 14 coaches in the express, and rake with positions 1 and 14 are SLRs. It stops by at 8 halts between Sealdah and Rampurhat. The running speed of the train is 46 km/hour. As per the fare chart, in general category, the charge would be Rs. 100 in second sitting and Rs. 365 in AC Chair. In child category, the fare would be Rs. 45 in second sitting and Rs. 165 in AC Chair. In senior citizen female category, the fare would be Rs. 60 in second sitting and Rs. 205 in AC Chair.
Stoppages of 13187/ 13188 Maa Tara Express
Maa Tara Express is a superfast kind of train, belonging to the supervision of Eastern Railways zone. It is connecting Sealdah and Rampurhat stations in the country. It is operating with train numbers 13187 and 13188 from both sides. The service frequency of the express is daily and it covers a total distance of 226 km in about 3 hours and 40 minutes.
Do you want to know the stoppages of 13187/13188 Maa Tara Express? The superfast express operates with an operating speed of 46 km/hour and it stops by at only 8 halts between Sealdah and Rampurhat stations. The stoppages are at Naihati, Bandel, Barddhaman, Guskara, Bolpur Shantiniketan, Prantik, Sainthia, and Tarapith Road. There are 14 coaches in the express and it has second sitting, AC Chair car and general coaches. There is no pantry car attached in the train. As per the fare chart, in general class, it would be Rs. 100 in second sitting and Rs. 365 in AC Chair car coach. In tatkal class, the extra fare that would be surcharged is Rs. 27 in second sitting and Rs. 98 in AC Chair coach. In child quota, the fare would be Rs. 45 in second sitting and Rs. 165 in AC Chair coach.