About 14113/ 14114 Link Express (Sangam Slip)

14113/ 14114 Link Express (Sangam Slip) Train Time Table and Route Map

Looking online for details about Time Table and Route Map of Link express? If yes, read on the following and you will come to know of the same. Also been referred to as Sangam Slip, this train is been supervised by North Central Railway zone. Running on daily basis, it runs in between Dehradun junction and Allahabad junction across the country. From both ends, it operates with train numbers 14113 and 14114. The distance covered by the train in total is 865 km. The operating speed is 45 km/hour and the time in total it takes in covering the entire distance is 18 hours and 50 minutes. When it is about the route that the train follows, it is via Subedarganj, Kanpur Central, Etawah, Shikohabad, Tundla, Hathras, Aligarh, Chandausi, Moradabad, Nagina, Najibabad, Laksar, and Haridwar. Want to know of the timing as well of the train at which it starts and finishes off at respective junctions? In accord to the time table scheduled and defined, train 14113 leaves Allahabad junction at 17:45 hours and reaches Dehradun at 13:10 hours. On the other side, train 14114 leaves Dehradun at 13:20 hours and reaches Allahabad junction at 08:15 hours. Just for the record, there is no pantry car attached with the train and do feel free to try e-catering food meal services as per the convenience. Do make the reservations on time and enjoy a safe and smooth journey.

14113/Link Express (Sangam Slip), Allahabad Junction – Dehradun Route, Schedule & Time Table –

Code Station Name Arrives Departs Halt
Allahabad Junction
SFG SubedarGanj 17:53 17:55 2m
BMU Bamhrauli 18:02 18:04 2m
MRE Manauri 18:13 18:15 2m
SYWN Saiyid Sarawan 18:22 18:24 2m
MNJ ManoharGanj 18:33 18:35 2m
BRE Bharwari 18:43 18:45 2m
SJT Shujaatpur 18:57 18:59 2m
SRO Sirathu 19:08 19:10 2m
KGA Khaga 19:30 19:32 2m
FYZ Faizullapur 19:50 19:52 2m
FTP Fatehpur 20:08 20:10 2m
CNB Kanpur Central 21:20 21:25 5m
PNK Panki 21:43 21:44 1m
RURA Rura 22:00 22:02 2m
JJK Jhinjhak 22:18 22:20 2m
PHD Phaphund 22:37 22:39 2m
BNT Bharthana 23:06 23:08 2m
ETW Etawah Junction 23:46 23:48 2m
SKB Shikohabad Junction 0:38 0:40 2m
FZD Firozabad 1:03 1:05 2m
TDL Tundla Junction 1:40 1:45 5m
HRS Hathras Junction 2:19 2:21 2m
ALJN Aligarh Junction 2:45 3:30 45m
RG Rajghat Narora 4:21 4:23 2m
BBA Babrala 4:33 4:35 2m
CH Chandausi Junction 5:30 5:50 20m
RJK Raja Ka Sahaspur Junction 6:15 6:17 2m
MB Moradabad Junction 6:55 7:05 10m
KNT Kanth 7:33 7:35 2m
SEO Seohara 7:49 7:51 2m
DPR Dhampur 8:05 8:07 2m
NGG Nagina 8:23 8:25 2m
NBD Najibabad Junction 9:20 9:25 5m
LRJ Laksar Junction 10:27 10:32 5m
HW Haridwar 11:00 11:05 5m
DDN Dehradun 13:10

14114/Link Express (Sangam Slip), Dehradun – Allahabad Junction Route, Schedule & Time Table –

Code Station Name Arrives Departs Halt
DDN Dehradun 13:20
HW Haridwar 14:48 14:55 7m
LRJ Laksar Junction 15:40 15:45 5m
NBD Najibabad Junction 16:27 16:32 5m
NGG Nagina 16:50 16:52 2m
DPR Dhampur 17:08 17:10 2m
SEO Seohara 17:24 17:26 2m
KNT Kanth 17:41 17:43 2m
MB Moradabad Junction 18:40 18:50 10m
RJK Raja Ka Sahaspur Junction 19:17 19:19 2m
CH Chandausi Junction 19:45 20:05 20m
BJ Bahjoi 20:22 20:24 2m
BBA Babrala 20:58 21:00 2m
RG Rajghat Narora 21:13 21:15 2m
ALJN Aligarh Junction 22:45 23:05 20m
HRS Hathras Junction 23:28 23:31 3m
TDL Tundla Junction 0:15 0:20 5m
FZD Firozabad 0:33 0:35 2m
SKB Shikohabad Junction 0:57 0:59 2m
ETW Etawah Junction 1:43 1:45 2m
BNT Bharthana 2:05 2:07 2m
PHD Phaphund 2:34 2:36 2m
PNK Panki 3:37 3:38 1m
CNB Kanpur Central 4:10 4:20 10m
FTP Fatehpur 5:23 5:25 2m
KGA Khaga 5:48 5:50 2m
SRO Sirathu 6:10 6:12 2m
SJT Shujaatpur 6:22 6:24 2m
BRE Bharwari 6:38 6:40 2m
MNJ ManoharGanj 7:01 7:03 2m
SFG SubedarGanj 7:26 7:28 2m
ALD Allahabad Junction 8:15

14113/ 14114 LINK EXPRESS (SANGAM SLIP) Express Coach Position Seat Map

Allahabad Dehradun Link Sangam Slip Express is the one belonging to North Central Railways zone. It is operating with train numbers 14113 and 14114 from both sides. The express is connecting Allahabad and Dehradun stations in the country. The service frequency of the express is three days in a week, including Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The express covers a total distance of 865 km in about 19 hours and 25 minutes.

Are you looking for the rail information related to 14113/14114 LINK EXPRESS (SANGAM SLIP) Express Coach Position Seat Map? There are 15 coaches in the express, including composite first tier/second tier coach, AC three tier coaches, general, sleeper, and SLRs. There is no pantry car attached in the express. As per the coach position seat map, it has general coaches in the starting, followed by the sleeper coaches, AC second and first tier composite coach, AC three tier coaches, sleeper, and general coaches in the end. As per the fare chart, in general class, the fare would be Rs. 140 in sleeper, Rs. 495 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 700 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 1165 in AC first class coach. Have a safe and enjoyable travel!

Train Coach Position And Seat Layout Sleeper Class:-

Composite AC One Tier/Two Tier(HA):

Second Tier AC Coach(2A):-

Third Tier AC coach(3A):-

Sleeper Class Non AC coach(SL):-

Unreserved Class Compartment(GEN):
