About 15657/ 15658 Kanchanjunga Express
Want to get information about 15657/ 15658 KANCHANJUNGA EXPRESS Time Table and Route? Being a regular running train, it is connecting Sealdah junction and Agartala junction across the country and runs on bi weekly basis. From both sides, it runs with train numbers 15657 and 15658. Belonging to Northeast Frontier Railways, the distance travelled by the train in total is 980 km. The operating speed of the train is 50 km/hour and the travel time is of around 21 hours and 25 minutes. Do you wish to know the train timing as well at which it leaves and reaches the desired junction? In accord to the time table, train 15657 leaves from Sealdah at 06:35 hours and reaches Agartala at 20:45 hours on next day of travel. Train 15658 leaves from Agartala at 05:30 hours and reaches Sealdah at 19:25 hours, stopping by 42 halts in between the travel and few of them are at Barddhaman, Rampurhat, Pakur, Malda Town, Samsi, New Jalpaiguri, New Cooch Behar, New Bongaigaon, etc. The train has 20 coaches available and the coach composition includes AC second tier, AC third tier, sleeper, chair car and general unreserved class of coaches. Just for the record, there is no pantry car attached within the train. Do feel free to try out e-catering food meal services from the Travel Khana and make the most of your journey. Aside from this, do get the reservations to travel in the train on time and have a safe and enjoyable travel.
Train details | Facilities Onboard |
Travel Time: | 21h 25m |
Halts: | 42 |
Distance: | 1562 km |
Avg Speed: | 46 km/hr |
Cleanliness: | Average |
Punctuality: | Good |
E-Catering | Yes |
Ticket availability: | Good |
Mobile/Laptop Charger | Yes |
15657/Kanchanjunga Express (PT) SDAH/ Sealdah – GHY/Guwahati Route, Schedule & Time Table –
15658/Kanchanjunga Express (PT) GHY/ Guwahati – SDAH/Sealdah Route, Schedule & Time Table –
15657/ 15658 Kanchanjunga Express (PT) Coach Position Seat Map
Kanchanjunga Express is an express that comes under the supervision of Eastern Railways zone. The express is connecting Sealdah station and Silchar station in the country. The service frequency of the express is three days in a week, and it covers a total distance of 980 km in about 21 hours and 25 minutes. It is operating with train numbers 15657 and 15658 from both ends.
Are you looking for rail information related to 15657/15658 Kanchanjunga Express (PT) Coach Position Seat Map? There are 20 coaches in the express, including AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, sleeper, second sitting, and general unreserved coaches. There is no pantry car attached in the same. As per the coach position seat map structure, the rakes begin as second sitting coaches, followed by the general, sleeper, AC two tier, AC three tier, and general coaches. The halts that the express takes in between the source and destination stations are 33 in total. As per the fare chart, in general class, it is Rs. 355 in second sitting, Rs. 600 in sleeper, Rs. 1625 in AC 3 tier, and Rs. 2380 in AC 2 tier coach. Have a safe and hassle free travel!
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout Sleeper Class:-
Second Tier AC Coach(2A):- The Second Tier AC Coach (2A) in the regular running Kanchenjunga Express, which is supposed to be operating with train numbers 15657 and 15658 from both sides, is available with rake number 15. In total, 20 coaches are available in the express. Along with having the second tier AC coach, the express has third tier class, second class sitting, sleeper and general class category coaches. There is no pantry car attached within as of now. The express covers a total distance of 981 km and in a travel time of 20 hours and 32 minutes. It stops by at 32 halts within the journey. It operates with an average speed of 48 km/hour. The express is supervised by the Northeast Frontier Railways and operates on tri weekly basis in between Agartala station and Sealdah station across the country. To travel in the 2A coach in the Kanchenjunga Express, it is advised to do check out the seat map of the respective coach as designed by the Indian Railways and know about its overall structure, berths, seat position, etc. The fare in general class category in 2A is Rs. 2445 and in tatkal class, it will change to Rs. 2970.Third Tier AC coach(3A):- Kanchanjunga Express belongs to Eastern Railways and is running three to four times in a week. It is operating with train numbers 15657 and 15658 from both sides. The train is connecting Agartala junction and Sealdah junctions in the country. The distance covered by the express in total is 980 kms. The travel time is of 21 hours and 25 minutes. The train has coaches including AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, chair car, sleeper, and general unreserved category. Are you travelling in the third tier AC coach (3A) in the Kanchanjunga Express 15657/15658? Want to know the seating layout and coach position of AC 3 tier in the train? The class code for third tier coach is 3A and the coach code is B. The berths available in the AC 3 tier, 3A coach to seat and to sleep are 64 in total. Each 3A coach has a lower berth, a middle berth, an upper berth, a side lower berth, and a side upper berth. Each coach has specified seating positions and if you are looking for tickets in the train, make sure to book them at earliest, if your dates are final. Enjoy your travel safely and happily in the train.
Second Class Setting(2S):- Kanchanjunga Express is belonging to Eastern Railways zone. It is operating with train numbers 15657 and 15658 from both ends. It runs four days in a week and is supposedly covering a distance of 1551 km in about 35 hours and 20 minutes. There are 19 coaches in this train, and it involves Second class Sitting (2S), AC second and third tier coaches, sleeper and unreserved ones. There is no pantry car attached within the express for now. Travellers can seek for e-catering food meal services from Travel Khana at any time. Out of the coaches, the second class sitting coaches are at rakes 1, 2, 3, 17, 18, and 19 as DL1, D1, D2, D3, D4, and DL2. There is a window seat, an aisle seat and a middle seat in this coach. The sleeping berths in the same are 108. It is always advisable to make sure to do the bookings at earliest as possible to avoid any inconvenience for the last minute. In general class, the fare in 2S is Rs. 385. In tatkal class, it is Rs. 400 in 2S. In child category, the fare would be Rs. 185. Have a safe journey!
Sleeper Class Non AC coach(SL):-
Unreserved Class Compartment(GEN):
Stands for Seating Cum Luggage Rake(SLR):