Train details |
Facilities Onboard |
Travel Time: |
10h 50m |
Halts: |
8 |
Distance: |
447 km |
Avg Speed: |
41 km/hr |
Cleanliness: |
Good |
Punctuality: |
Excellent |
E-Catering |
Yes |
Ticket availability: |
Excellent |
Mobile/Laptop Charger |
Yes |
14715/ 14716 Hisar – Haridwar (Gita Ganga) Express Time Table and Route Map
Looking online to find about Time table and route map information of Hissar Haridwar (Gita Ganga) express? If yes, here you will come to know of the same for sure. Are you planning to travel in between Hissar and Haridwar across the country or somewhere in between en-route? The distance covered by the train in total is 447 km. It runs with an average operating speed of 41 km/hour. The travelling time in total is of 11 hours. Do you want to know the timing of the train from both ends at which the train starts and finishes off its journey? As per the time table, train 14715 leaves Hissar junction at 04:30 hours and reaches Haridwar at 15:20 hours. Other end, train 14716 leaves Haridwar at 16:20 hours and reaches Hissar at 02:00 hours. Considering the route that it covers, then it is via Roorkee, Saharanpur, Ambala Cantt, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Panipat, Rohtak, and Bhiwani. The train as of now has 13 coaches in total available and it comprises general unreserved, sleeper class and third class AC coach. There is no pantry car available in the train as of now. Do feel free to try out hot and fresh e-catering food meal services in the train anytime, as per the requirement and desire at affordable prices. Also, do make sure to get the reservations at its earliest and avoid any last minute hassle related to the travel. Happy journey!
14715/Hisar – Haridwar (Gita Ganga) Express HSR/Hisar Junction – HW/ Haridwar Route, Schedule & Time Table –
14716/Haridwar – Hisar (Gita Ganga) Express HW/Haridwar – HSR/Hisar Junction Route, Schedule & Time Table –
14715/ 14716 Hisar – Haridwar (Gita Ganga) Express Coach Position Seat Map
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout Sleeper Class:-
Third Tier AC coach(3A):Sleeper Class Non AC coach(SL):Unreserved Class Compartment(GS):
Stands for Seating Cum Luggage Rake(SLR):