About 50103/50104 Dadar – Ratnagiri Passenger

50103/50104 Dadar – Ratnagiri Passenger Time table and Route Map

Want to get an insight about time table and route map of DADAR – RATNAGIRI PASSENGER train? If yes, do read on the following and you will get to know of the same here for sure. The passenger train belongs to Konkan Railway and runs in between Ratnagiri and Dadar Central across the country. Running on daily basis, it runs with train numbers 50103 and 50104 from both ends. The distance travelled by the train in total is 336 km. The average running speed of the train is 37 km/hour. The travel time took by the train in total is of 9 hours and 10 minutes. Do you wish to know of the timing of the train as well at which it leaves and reaches the respective station? In accord to the time table scheduled, train 50103 leaves from Ratnagiri at 03:40 hours and reaches Dadar Central at 12:40 hours. On the other side, train 50104 leaves from Dadar Central at 05:30 hours and reaches Ratnagiri at 02:20 hours. Considering the routeing of the train, it is via Thane, Diva, Panvel, Pen, Nagothane, Roha, Kolad, Indapur, Mangaon, Veer, Karanjadi, Vinhere, Khed, Chiplun, Kamathe, Sawarda, Aravali and Sangameshwar Road. In all, do have a look and check out the time table of the train online with the help of train name or train number and once all the details are fetched, make sure to get the confirmed reservations in the train at its earliest as could be possible. Have a safe and enjoyable journey.

50103/Dadar – Ratnagiri Passenger, DR/Dadar Central – RN/Ratnagiri Route, Schedule & Time Table-

Dadar Central(DR) origin 15:40 origin 0
Thane(TNA) 16:03 16:05 2 0
Diva Junction(DIVA) 16:15 16:17 2 0
Datiwali(DTVL) 16:19 16:20 1 0
Nilaje(NIIJ) 16:24 16:25 1 0
Taloje Panchnand(TPND) 16:31 16:32 1 0
Navade Road(NVRD) 16:41 16:42 1 0
Kalamboli(KLMG) 16:49 16:50 1 0
Panvel Junction(PNVL) 16:58 17:01 3 0
Somatne(SMNE) 17:11 17:12 1 0
Rasayani(RSYI) 17:18 17:19 1 0
Apta(APTA) 17:24 17:25 1 0
Jite(JITE) 17:38 17:39 1 0
Hamarapur(HMRR) 17:44 17:45 1 0
Pen(PEN) 17:53 17:54 1 0
Kasu(KASU) 18:07 18:08 1 0
Nagothane(NGTN) 18:23 18:24 1 0
Nidi(NIDI) 18:33 18:34 1 0
Roha(ROHA) 19:03 19:05 2 0
Kolad(KOL) 19:21 19:22 1 0
Indapur(INP) 19:31 19:32 1 0
Mangaon(MNI) 19:42 19:43 1 0
Goregaon Road Halt(GNO) 19:52 19:53 1 0
Veer(VEER) 20:02 20:03 1 0
Sape Wamne(SAPE) 20:14 20:15 1 0
Karanjadi(KFD) 20:25 20:26 1 0
Vinhere(VINH) 20:37 20:38 1 0
Diwan Khavati(DWV) 20:50 20:51 1 0
Khed(KHED) 21:26 21:27 1 0
Anjani(ANO) 21:36 21:37 1 0
Chiplun(CHI) 21:55 22:00 5 0
Kamathe(KMAH) 22:10 22:11 1 0
Savarda(SVX) 22:20 22:21 1 0
Aravali Road(AVRD) 22:36 22:37 1 0
Sangameshwar Road(SGR) 22:50 22:51 1 0
Ukshi(UKC) 23:10 23:11 1 0
Bhoke(BOKE) 23:30 23:31 1 0
Ratnagiri(RN) 00:55 destination destination 1

50104/Ratnagiri – Dadar Passenger, RN/Ratnagiri – DR/Dadar Central Route, Schedule & Time Table-

Ratnagiri(RN) origin 05:30 origin 0
Bhoke(BOKE) 05:40 05:41 1 0
Ukshi(UKC) 05:54 05:55 1 0
Sangameshwar Road(SGR) 06:08 06:09 1 0
Aravali Road(AVRD) 06:21 06:22 1 0
Savarda(SVX) 06:37 06:38 1 0
Kamathe(KMAH) 06:47 06:48 1 0
Chiplun(CHI) 06:58 07:03 5 0
Anjani(ANO) 07:17 07:18 1 0
Khed(KHED) 07:31 07:32 1 0
Diwan Khavati(DWV) 07:48 07:49 1 0
Vinhere(VINH) 08:04 08:05 1 0
Karanjadi(KFD) 08:17 08:18 1 0
Sape Wamne(SAPE) 08:27 08:28 1 0
Veer(VEER) 08:50 08:51 1 0
Goregaon Road Halt(GNO) 09:00 09:01 1 0
Mangaon(MNI) 09:24 09:25 1 0
Indapur(INP) 09:34 09:35 1 0
Kolad(KOL) 09:49 09:50 1 0
Roha(ROHA) 10:31 10:33 2 0
Nidi(NIDI) 10:44 10:45 1 0
Nagothane(NGTN) 10:54 10:55 1 0
Kasu(KASU) 11:09 11:10 1 0
Pen(PEN) 11:24 11:25 1 0
Hamarapur(HMRR) 11:33 11:34 1 0
Jite(JITE) 11:39 11:40 1 0
Apta(APTA) 11:51 11:52 1 0
Rasayani(RSYI) 11:57 11:58 1 0
Somatne(SMNE) 12:04 12:05 1 0
Panvel Junction(PNVL) 12:17 12:20 3 0
Kalamboli(KLMG) 12:26 12:27 1 0
Navade Road(NVRD) 12:31 12:32 1 0
Taloje Panchnand(TPND) 12:39 12:40 1 0
Nilaje(NIIJ) 12:49 12:50 1 0
Datiwali(DTVL) 12:54 12:55 1 0
Diva Junction(DIVA) 13:18 13:20 2 0
Thane(TNA) 13:27 13:30 3 0
Dadar Central(DR) 14:20 destination destination 0

50103/50104 Dadar – Ratnagiri Passenger Train Coach Position, Seat Map Layout and Fare

Train Coach Position And Seat Layout all Classes:-

Second class Setting(2S)Unreserved Class Compartment(UR)
Stands for Seating Cum Luggage Rake(SLR)
