52445/52446 Shivalk Special Train Time table and Route Map
Want to know about Time table and route map of Shivalk express? If yes, here you will come to know of the same. The train runs in between Kalka and Shimla across the country and as of now runs from both ends with train numbers 52445 and 52446. The distance covered by the train is 94 km. The average running speed of the train is 18 km/hour and the travel time in total is 5 hours and 15 minutes. Want to know of the timing at which the train starts and finishes off its journey? As per the time table, train 52445 leaves Kalka at 07:00 hours and reaches Shimla at 12:15 hours. On the other end, train 52446 leaves from Shimla junction at 15:50 hours and reaches Kalka at 21:15 hours. Considering the route map of the train, it crosses the journey via Summer Hill, Taradevi, Shoghi, Kanoh, Solan, Barog, Dharampur Himachal, Sonwara, Koti, Taksal and so. It has 7 coaches available as of now all including chair car. There is no pantry car attached with the train and if desired, people can always seek for quality and fresh online food meal services in the train from Travel Khana and could turn their journey enjoyable and happy. Do make sure to get the reservations at its earliest as could be possible and have a smooth travel.
52445/Shivalk Special, Kakinada Port -Kalka – Shimla Route, Schedule & Time Table–
Code | Station Name | Arrives | Departs | Halt |
KLK | Kalka» | | 7:00 | |
TSL | Taksal | 7:19 | 7:19 | |
GMM | Gumman | 7:35 | 7:35 | |
KOTI | Koti | 7:54 | 7:54 | |
SWO | Sonwara | 8:28 | 8:28 | |
DMP | Dharampur Himachal | 8:46 | 8:46 | |
KMTI | Kumarhatti Dagshai | 9:05 | 9:05 | |
BOF | Barog | 9:17 | 9:17 | |
SOL | Solan | 9:29 | 9:29 | |
SBY | Solan Brewery | 9:44 | 9:44 | |
SLR | Salogra | 9:52 | 9:52 | |
KDZ | Kandaghat | 10:10 | 10:10 | |
KANO | Kanoh | 10:33 | 10:33 | |
KEJ | Kathleeghat | 10:57 | 10:57 | |
SGS | Shoghi | 11:15 | 11:15 | |
TVI | Taradevi | 11:38 | 11:38 | |
JTO | Jutogh | 11:54 | 11:54 | |
SHZ | Summer Hill | 12:05 | 12:05 | |
SML | Shimla• | 12:15 | | |
52446/Shivalk Special, Shimla – Kalka Route, Schedule & Time Table–
Code | Station Name | Arrives | Departs |
SML | Shimla» | | 15:50 |
SHZ | Summer Hill | 16:01 | 16:01 |
JTO | Jutogh | 16:12 | 16:12 |
TVI | Taradevi | 16:28 | 16:28 |
SGS | Shoghi | 16:52 | 16:52 |
KEJ | Kathleeghat | 17:11 | 17:11 |
KANO | Kanoh | 17:36 | 17:36 |
KDZ | Kandaghat | 17:59 | 17:59 |
SLR | Salogra | 18:17 | 18:17 |
SOL | Solan | 18:41 | 18:41 |
BOF | Barog | 18:54 | 18:54 |
KMTI | Kumarhatti Dagshai | 19:06 | 19:06 |
DMP | Dharampur Himachal | 19:26 | 19:26 |
SWO | Sonwara | 19:45 | 19:45 |
KOTI | Koti | 20:20 | 20:20 |
GMM | Gumman | 20:39 | 20:39 |
TSL | Taksal | 20:55 | 20:55 |
KLK | Kalka• | 21:15 | |