About 18463/18464 Prashanti Express
Do you want to know About 18463/18464 PRASHANTI EXPRESS that is supervised as per East Coast Railways? It runs on a daily basis and in between Bhubaneswar and Bengaluru City junction across the country. The distance that is covered by the train in total is 1548 km. It runs with an average speed of 51 km/hour and takes about 30 hours and 35 minutes to cover the entire distance. It is stopping by at 45 halts within the travel. Adding to this, the train is categorized as a regular running train and has 24 coaches available in total as of now. The coach composition is been like including second-tier AC, third-tier AC, sleeper and general unreserved class coaches. Even, there is a pantry car available in the train. Do make sure to always get the booking within time and be safe from any last-minute disappointment. Also, in whomsoever coach you have been travelling, it is advised to look at the seat map of the same and get information from there including the berths it is having to seat and to sleep, seat position with the help of seat number, entrance and exit points and more. Have a safe travel!
Train details | Facilities Onboard |
Travel Time: | 30h 35m |
Halts: | 45 |
Distance: | 1547 km |
Avg Speed: | 51 km/hr |
Cleanliness: | Good |
Punctuality: | Good |
E-Catering | Yes |
Ticket availability: | Good |
Mobile/Laptop Charger | Yes |
18463/18464 Prashanti Express Time Table and Route Map
Looking online to grab details about time table and route map of Prashanti express? If yes, here you will get to know about the same. The train is been a daily running train in between Howrah and Tiruchchirappalli junction. Being supervised by the East Coast railways, it is operating from both ends with train numbers 18463 and 18464. The distance travelled by the train is 1547 km. Running with an average speed of 50 km/hour, it takes about 30 hours and 35 minutes of time to cover the entire journey. In accord to the time table been scheduled and defined, train 18464 leaves Howrah at 16:10 hours and reaches Tiruchchirappalli junction at 03:30 hours. On the other side, train 18463 leaves Tiruchchitappalli junction at 16:00 hours and reaches Howrah junction at 03:15 hours. Considering the route, it covers the distance via Srirangam, Villupuram, Tambaram, Chennai Egmore, Nellore, Ongole, Eluru, Vizianagaram, Brahmapur, Bhubaneswar, Bhadrak, Kharagpur and so. It basically crosses 3 major states during its journey that is Odisha, Andhra and Karnataka. Considering the coach composition, it has been backed with 11 sleeper class coaches, 4 3 AC tier coaches, 1 2 AC coaches, 2 SLRs and 4 general class coaches. Adding to this, the train even has a pantry car attached for onboard food meal services. Feel free to even try out delicious and fresh e-catering food delivery in train services, as per the need and wishes and have a safe travel.
18464/Prashanti Express, BBS/Bhubaneswar -VSKP/Visakhapatnam Route, Schedule & Time Table-
18463/Prashanti Express, VSKP/Visakhapatnam -BBS/Bhubaneswar Route, Schedule & Time Table-
18463/18464 Prashanti Express Coach Position, Seat Map & Fare
Seeking online to get updates related to coach seat map and fare in Prashanti express? Want to travel in this daily running train that is heading in between Howrah and Tiruchchirapalli junction across the country or in between them somewhere? The train heads from both sides with train numbers 18463 and 18464. As far as the coaches are concerned, the train has 23 coaches available in total including AC II tier, AC III tier, sleeper class and general unreserved class of coaches. The fare in general quota that is charged from the respective class of coaches is Rs. 2405 in 2A, Rs. 1645 in 3A, Rs. 605 in SL and Rs. 340 in GN. In tatkal quota, the fare changes to Rs. 2905 in 2A, Rs. 2045 in 3A and Rs. 775 in SL. From a child, the fare that is applicable is Rs. 1165 in 2A, Rs. 790 in 3A, Rs. 290 in SL and Rs. 170 in GN. There is even a pantry car attached within the train. Do feel free to try out e-catering food meal services from Travel Khana and have a safe journey. Do make sure to have a look at the seat map of the respective coaches in which you are travelling to dig up details of them. Each coach has a different seating arrangement and layout and once you see the seat map of that, users can know about the same from there. Have a safe and happy journey!
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout Class:-
Second Tier AC Coach(2A):- Looking for updates related to Prashanti Express? Are you planning to travel in the second Tier AC (2AC) Coach of Prashanti? Want to travel in between Bhubaneswar and Bangalore or somewhere en-route? If yes, you will get the right information about the same by simply reading the following.
The Prashanti express is one of the popular train belonging to East Coast Railway zone. This train is connecting two of the most prime states of the country that is Odisha & Karnataka. It operates from both the ends with train numbers 18463 and 18464. T
Total travel timings is of 30 hours &35 minutes of the total journey. Did you book the tickets to travel in this train of Second class category and want to know of the coach position& about second-tier 2AC class? As per the seat map of the two-tier coach, each row has only 4 berths in total in which 2 uppers,2 lower and Side lower (1) with side upper (1). Prashanti Express has the total number of 23 coaches attached with the train and amongst them, ICF rake with number 16th’ coach belongs to second tier(ACII) coach naming ‘A1’. Fare of second AC is INR’2380 from BBS-Bhubaneswar toKSR-Bengaluru City. There is e-catering van or pantry car attached within. To know more about second tier AC coach (2A)of the train, it is the best way to look on the seat map of the respective coach given by Indian Railways.
Stands for Seating Cum Luggage Rake(SLR):-
Stoppages of 18463/18464 Prashanti Express
The stoppages of Prashanti Express, operating with train numbers 18643 and 18644 from both sides, are at Khurda Road, Brahmapur, vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Guntur, nandyal, Guntakal, and Dharmavaram. The respective stoppage time at these prime halts is of 5 minutes at Khurda Road, 5 minutes at brahmapur, 5 minutes at Vizianagaram, 20 minutes at Visakhapatnam, 15 minutes at Vijayawada, 5 minutes at Guntur, 5 minutes at Nandyal, 5 minutes at Guntakal, and 5 minutes at Dharmavaram. In total, the express takes stoppages at 45 halts in between the travel. The Prashanti Express is supposed to be operating in between Bhubaneswar and KSR Bengaluru city junction across the country on daily basis and the express is supervised by the East Coast railways. The total distance of 1548 km is covered by the train in about 30 hours and 35 minutes of time. The operating speed is 51 km/hour. There are 24 coaches available in total in the express, and it covers second tier, third tier, sleeper and general class coaches. The fare in general class in this express will be Rs. 2445 in 2A, Rs. 1690 in 3A, Rs. 631 in SL and Rs. 340 in GN class category coach.