Nearest Railway Station to Waidhan
Do you want to know about the nearest railway station to Waidhan? Shaktinagar rail head is the nearest railway station to Waidhan and it is just at 13.1 km away from there and it is going to take about 30 minutes in covering this distance via road. Buses are running in between them and there are other means of transport as well that are available like auto or so, use any of them as per the convenience and reach by the city without any problem. Waidhan is a municipal board and a city situated in the Singrauli district in the Madhya Pradesh state. Situated at the North Eastern end of the state, there are many other railways stations that are in close by vicinity to Waidhan including Singrauli station, Anpara station and Renukoot railway station and it is going to take about that time or some more time in reaching Waidhan without any inconvenience. The nearest airport to the place is Lal Bahadur Shastri airport and to get there, taking buses and taxis are always convenient and possible. The average literacy rate is of about 62.36% here. So, choose the desired option to travel and get there within time.
Essential Information about Shaktinagar Railway Station
- Type of Station: Terminus
- Number of Platforms: 1
- Number of Halting Trains: 0
- Number of Originating Trains: 3
- Number of Terminating Trains: 3
- Track: Construction – Doubling+Electrification
- Address: Station road, NH 75, sonebhadra shakti nagar
- State: Uttar Pradesh
- Elevation: 300 m above sea level
- Zone: ECR/East Central
- Division: Dhanbad
Nearby Stations to Shaktinagar Railway Station
- KRSL/Krishnashilla 11 km
- ANPR/Anpara 21 km
- KRLR/Karaila Road Junction 33 km
- CHRK/Churki 35 km
Rating: 2.7/5
- Cleanliness: Average
- Porters/Escalators: Average
- Food: Average
- Transportation: Good
- Lodging: Poor
- RailFanning: Average
- Sightseeing: Good
- Saftey: Average
Trains Passing Through SKTN/Shaktinagar
15075 | Shaktinagar – Tanakpur Triveni Express | Mail/Express Rake | origin | 15:25 | ||
15076 | Tanakpur – Shaktinagar Triveni Express | Mail/Express Rake | 08:30 | destination | ||
23346 | Shaktinagar – Varanasi Link Intercity Express (UnReserved) | Mail/Express Rake | origin | 05:00 | ||
24369 | Shaktinagar – Tanakpur Triveni Express | Mail/Express Rake | origin | 15:35 | ||
24370 | Tanakpur – Shaktinagar Triveni Express | Mail/Express Rake | 08:30 | destination | ||
441EC | Gomoh Chopan Shaktinagar Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger | 23:30 | destination | ||
51677 | Chopan – Shaktinagar Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger Rake | 14:15 | destination | ||
51678 | Shaktinagar – Chopan Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger Rake | origin | 14:45 |