18237/38 Chhattisgarh Express Time Table
Looking for a train to travel in between Amritsar and Bilaspur across the nation? Chhattisgarh express is the option to get into and it has been operating with train numbers 18237 and 18238. The travelling distance covered by the train is 2011 kms. Also, it runs with a fairly good speed in between the cities mentioned above. As per the time table been scheduled, train 18237 leaves Bilaspur at 14:15 hours and reaches Amritsar on third day of the travel at 08:10 hours. Train 18238 leaves Amritsar at 16:15 hours and reaches Bilaspur on third day of the travel at 12:20 hours.
Finding out online to get some insight related to famous and a very old train running all along that is Chhattisgarh express? Been supposed to be highly in demand and fame, Chhattisgarh express is been associating Amritsar junction and Bilaspur junction across the country and is been operating with two train numbers that is 18237 and 18238. The train name is been named after Chhattisgarh state. Started its services back in 1978, it began running in between Bilaspur and Habibganj and later been extended to Bhopal station and later in 1987, to Hazrat Nizamuddin in New Delhi and finally to Amritsar in 1990.
The total distance covered by the Chhattisgarh express is 2011 kms. Train 18237 Chhattisgarh express runs from Bilaspur station to Amritsar junction whereas train 18238 Chhattisgarh express in the completely reverse direction. As scheduled, train 18237 leaves from Bilaspur junction at 14:15 hours and reaches Amritsar at 08:10 hours on third day of the travel. Train 18238 leaves from Amritsar junction at 16:15 hours and reaches Bilaspur station on third day at 12:20 hours. The halts in between the journey are at Nagpur, Durg, Gondia, Raipur, Itarsi, Bhopal, Gwalior, Obedullaganj, Agra Cantonment, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Jhansi, Meerut, Mathura, Deoband, Ghaziabad, Saharanpur, Muzzarfarnagar, Jagadhri, Ambala Cantt, Ludhiana, and Jalandhar.
Comprised with about 24 coaches, the coach composition in the express is been like SLR, G1, G2, HA1, A1, B1, B2, B3, S12, S11, PC, S10, S9, S8, S7, S6, S5, S4, S3, S2, S1, G3, G4; SLR, SP. In between Bilaspur to Nagpur station, it is been hauled by Itarsi based WAP 4 loco shed and afterwards till Amritsar junction, it gets hauled by WAP 7 shed. The longest time duration of halt throughout the travel is at Amla junction where it used to stop by for about 20 to 25 minutes of time interval. The train recognition is at a large scale and people in large numbers used to board the express so to make sure to travel in this train, it is always recommended to keep a tab on the number of the seats available, plan your vacations a bit earlier and book reservations always on time. Apart from this, though the express has a decent track record in terms of punctuality and hygiene but it is good and best to keep an eye on the live running status of trains grabbing information related to train exact movement and running details including its arrival time, departure time, distance that needs to be travelled, time taken by the train to cover the same, and more without any problem and simply within clicks. So, in case you have been wondering to travel in the same, make sure to plan your trip beforehand and for tasty and yummy e-catering services, do make sure to opt for Travel Khana offering good food at decent prices and within time to travellers as per their convenience and desire. Have a happy and safe travel!
An Insight to train number 18237/38 Chhattisgarh Express
Checking out online to grab some rail information related to a very well known, famous and old train of the country running with train numbers 18237 and 18238? Chhattisgarh express is a high demandable train known to be connecting Bilaspur junction and Amritsar junction across the country. The train name is been named after the state of Chhattisgarh. Began its operations in year 1978, earlier it used to run in between Bilaspur junction and Habibganj junction in Bhopal in India. Later in year 1980, it has been extended to main railway station of the country that is to Bhopal junction. And in year 1987, the run has been extended to Hazrat Nizamuddin station and New Delhi and in 1990 to Amritsar.
The entire distance that is been covered by the train is 2011 km and the route goes through the states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, and Punjab. The prominent halts in between the journey are at Raipur junction, Bilaspur junction, Durg, Nagpur, Gondia junction, Itarsi junction, Bhopal junction, Obedullaganj, Gwalior, Agra Cantonment, Jhansi junction, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Mathura junction, Meerut city, Ghaziabad, Deoband, Muzzarfarnagar, Saharanpur, Jagadhri, Ludhiana junction, Ambala Cantt junction, and Jalandhar city. Train 12838 runs from Amritsar to Bilaspur junction whereas train 12837 runs in the reverse direction. As per the time table been defined and scheduled, train number 18237 Chhattisgarh express departs from Bilaspur junction at 14:15 hours and reaches Amritsar junction on third day of the journey at 08:10 hours. On the other side, train 18238 Chhattisgarh express departs from Amritsar junction at 16:15 hours IST and reaches Bilaspur junction at 12:20 hours on third day of the travel.
Being a daily running express train, it comprises 24 coaches in total and the coach composition is been like SLR, G1, G2, HA1, A1, B1, B2, B3, S12, S11, PC, S10, S9, S8, S7, S6, S5, S4, S3, S2, S1, G3, G4; SLR, SP. As far as locos and traction is been of concern, it is hauled by Itarsi based shed that is WAP 4 in between Bilaspur junction to Nagpur junction and later by WAP 7 shed from Nagpur to Amritsar station. The longest halt throughout the travel is at Amla junction, where it used to stop by for about 20 to 25 minutes of time. Aside from this, the train is much in demand and reckoned at a large scale and even boarded by passengers in large numbers so it is always advisable to keep an eye on the seat availability to make sure and confirm your tickets on time. Also, people can check its live running status at any point of time throughout the journey to make sure about the running information about the train and grab each little bit of information about the same in a go. So, enjoy the services and travel with zeal and without any hassle to the core. People can also think of opting for e-catering food services.
Highlights of Chattisgarh Express –
Train details |
Facilities Onboard |
Travel Time: |
44h 5m |
Halts: |
87 |
Distance: |
2013km |
Avg Speed: |
46km/hr |
Cleanliness: |
Good |
Punctuality: |
Average |
E-Catering |
Yes |
Ticket availability: |
Good |
Mobile/Laptop Charger |
Yes |
There are many people, who would like to travel from one place to the other due to various reasons. One such place is Chhattisgarh that does have plenty of visitors, both domestic and tourists from abroad to enjoy what this state have to offer. One of the best ways for reaching this place is by relying on the vast network of the Indian Railways, which is considered to be the biggest in the world. The 18238/18237 Chhattisgarh Express is regarded to be an old Indian train that connects Bilaspur with Amritsar. The name of the train has been derived from the Chhattisgarh state.
History –
This Express train was first introduced in 1977 as the Bhopal-Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Aanchal Express. It ran between Habibganj (Bhopal) and Bilaspur. It is considered to be the very first train that originated from ‘Habibganj,’ which is the newly constructed suburban railway station. This train in the year 1980 was then extended to Bhopal’s main railway station, which is the Bhopal Junction.
It was only later during 1987 that it got an extension till Hazrat Nizamuddin and New Delhi, and finally, to Amritsar in the year 1990.
Route –
This Express train is said to run through several states like Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, M.P., U.P., Delhi, Haryana, and finally, Punjab. The overall distance that is covered by the train is about 2011 kilometres.
Several major halts that the train stops at are as follows: Bilaspur Junction, Durg, Raipur Junction, Gondia Junction, Itarsi Junction, Nagpur, Bhopal Junction, Gwalior, Jhansi Junction, Agra Cantonment, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Mathura Junction, Ghaziabad, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut City, Ambala Cantt. Junction, Saharanpur, Jalandhar City, Ludhiana Junction and terminates at Amritsar.
Coach Composition –
This train runs daily and when it leaves Bilaspur Junction, it gets numbered as 18237. Returning from Amritsar, its gets numbered as 18238. The express train comprises of twenty four coaches. From Itarsi shed, it gets WAP-4 from Bilaspur – Nagpur and WAP 7 from Ajni shed from Nagpur – Hazrat Nizamuddin and WDP 4B of Tughlakabad, right from Hazrat Nizamuddin – Amritsar.
It’s Extension History –
- 1977: Chattisgarh Express was introduced to run between Bhopal – Habibganj – Bilaspur Junction as Habibganj – Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Anchal Express having one AC 2 tier, three AC 3 tier, ten sleeper classes, six general and 2 SLR.
- 1980: The train in this year was extended to the main Bhopal railway station and from then onwards commuted as the Bhopal – Bilaspur Chattisgarh Anchal Express.
- 1987 – 1988: A pantry car was included in this train, and it got extended to commute till Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station, Delhi. The train number 1225 / 1226 Bhopal – Hazrat Nizamuddin Express was cancelled and Bilaspur – Bhopal Chhattisgarh Anchal Express got extended to Hazrat Nizamuddin. Anchal, the prefix was removed at this time, and this train now was independently called the Chhattisgarh Express.
- 1997: It was in this year that the Chattisgarh Express saw a revision in its route and got extended further to commute till Amritsar Junction.
- 1999: It furthermore got Slip coaches from MP Chhindwara.
18238 Chhattisgarh Express Amritsar to Bilaspur Route, Schedule & Time Table –
18237 Chhattisgarh Express Bilaspur to Amritsar Route, Schedule & Time Table –
18237/38 Chhattisgarh Express Fare and Coach Position Seat Map
Chhattisgarh Express is belonging to South East Central Railways. It is connecting Gevra Road and Amritsar stations in the country and runs daily between them. It operates with train numbers 18237 and 18238 from both ends. It covers a total distance of 2109 km in about 44 hours and 55 minutes. There are 21 coaches in the express including unreserved ones, sleeper, AC first, AC second, and AC third tier coaches. As per the coach position seat map, the rakes are positioned in the train as unreserved ones as D1 and D2, sleeper class coaches as S1 to S7, a pantry car, AC third tier class coaches as B1 to B6, AC second tier coaches as A1 and A2, AC first tier coach as H1. According to the fare chart of Chhattisgarh Express, the fare in general class would be Rs. 4510 in 1A, Rs. 2645 in 2A, Rs. 1820 in 3A, Rs. 690 in SL, Rs. 42S, and Rs. 415 in GN. In tatkal class, the fare would be Rs. 3170 in 2A, Rs. 2240 in 3A, Rs. 890 in SL and Rs. 440 in 2S. In child quota, the fare would be Rs. 2490 in 1A, Rs. 1450 in 2A.
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout:-
Composite AC One Tier/Two Tier(HA):- Looking for updates related to Composite AC One Tier seat map layout and coach position in Chhattisgarh express? Here, you will definitely get some for sure. The train runs in between Bilaspur and Amritsar in India and runs with 18237 and 18238 train numbers. To understand the coach position of the composite AC one tier coach in the train, have a look at the seat map layout for sure and then figure out the coaches, its classification, type and everything. People can actually understand the seating arrangement and could find out the coach location and position as well while having a look at the seat map of the same. In this one tier AC, each cabin is supposed to be having only and only 2 berths involving an upper berth and a lower berth. Both berths could be distinguished by the use of different colour schemes as the lower berth is been represented in green colour and the upper berth in blue colour. In total, Chhattisgarh express has 24 coaches in total. The coach composition includes first tier AC, second tier AC, third tier AC, sleeper class and general unreserved coaches. There is also a pantry car attached in the train and as per the convenience and wish, users travelling can opt for fresh and delicious e-catering onboard food delivery services as well at cost efficient prices. So, do know about the coach position by looking at the seat map layout
Second Tire AC Coach(2A):- Looking for updates related to second tier AC Coach (2A) in the Chhattisgarh express? If yes, here you might get some relevant information. Planning to travel in between Bilaspur and Amritsar in India or in between these destinations? Want to get reservations in second tier AC coach in this train? The train runs from both ends with train numbers 18237 and 18238. To get to understand about the coach position or simply the overall layout of the second tier AC coach, it is always effective to do check out the seat map of the same, as devised and proposed by the Indian Railways department. In this coach, there are four kinds of berths available involving lower berth, upper berth, side lower berth and side upper berth. Each seat and berth is been schemed with different kind of colour so that there remains no confusion among the passengers. The train has 24 coaches in total and amongst them; rake 20 belongs to second tier AC coach. There is even a pantry car attached in the train and as per the desire and suitability, people can relish quality and fresh e-catering food meal services in the same at nominal prices. If you have a confirmed reservation then with the help of seat number, people can locate the right coach position with ease and within minutes. Have a blissful journey and do make sure to look at the seat map to acquire information about that respective coach in which you are travelling.

Third Tier Coach(3A):- Seeking for information online related to Third Tier AC Coach (3A) in Chhattisgarh express? Do you have any plans to travel in between Amritsar and Bilaspur across the country or in between them somewhere? The train operates from both sides with train numbers 18237 and 18238. Did you get the tickets in third tier coach in this train to travel to? Want to get an insight of this coach? The safest and best way to know about third tier coach and its details is to simply look at the seat map of the same as devised by the Indian Railways. As per the seat map of 3A coach, the berths available in them are lower berth, middle berth, upper berth, side lower berth and side upper berth. In total, 64 berths are available in the train to seat and to sleep. Each berth category is marked with different colour and there is full clarity that people can get after looking at the seat map. In total, 23 coaches are available in the train and amongst them rake with numbers 16, 17, 18 and 19 belongs to three tier coaches. There is even a pantry car attached within. Do feel free to try out e-catering food meal services in the train from TravelKhana and make the best of your journey. Do know about the seat position in the train with the help of seat number by looking at the seat map in advance and have a happy travel!
Sleeper Class(SL):- Do you have plans to travel in the CHHATTISGARH EXPRESS in Sleeper class (SL) coach that runs in between Amritsar and Bilaspur junction on daily basis? Belonging to Indian Railways, it runs from both sides with train numbers 18237 and 18238. The distance that is covered by the train in total by the train is 514 km. It runs with an average running speed of 43 km/hour and takes about 12 hours and 5 minutes to cover the entire journey. It stops by at 32 halts in between the journey. Amongst the total coaches available in the train as 23, rake with numbers 4 to 13 and 15 belongs to sleeper class SL coaches. There is even a pantry car attached within. To know and get an idea of the seat position in the sleeper class coach, it is advised to just check out the seat map of that coach and gather information from there like the berths it is having and the exact seat position with the help of seat number. So, grab the information from there and enjoy the travel without any problem. Have a safe and hassle free travel!

Unreserved Second Class Compartment(GS):- Are you thinking of travelling in the regular running Chhattisgarh Express in the Unreserved Second Class Compartment (GS) coach? The train is supervised by Indian Railways and is operating on daily basis with train numbers 18237 and 18238 from both ends. The train is running in between Amritsar junction and Gevra Road junction across the country. The distance that is covered by the train in total is 2013 km and it is going to take around 83 halts in between the travel. The travel time is 41 hours and 55 minutes in covering the entire distance and the average operating speed of the express is 48 km/hour. As far as coaches are considered, there are 22 coaches available in total and the composition includes first class AC, second tier, third tier, sleeper and general class coaches. Even, there is a pantry car attached within as of now. As per the sequence, rake with numbers 2 and 21 belongs to unreserved second class compartment coaches. It is advised to simply reach the station on time and make sure to buy the tickets from counter there. It will get you ticket to travel in unreserved class of the train. The fare in general class that will be charged from a person is Rs. 5120 in 1A, Rs. 3000 in 2A, Rs. 2065 in 3A, Rs. 780 in SL and Rs. 425 in GN. In tatkal class, the fare charged will be Rs. 3525 in 2A, Rs. 2280 in 3A, and Rs. 980 in SL.
stands for Seating cum Luggage Rake(SLR)
Chhattisgarh Express Live Map
Chattisgarh Express train runs with the numbers 18237 & 18238. It provides services between the stations Amritsar and Bilaspur. The total distance covered is about 2011 kms. The up train 18237 departs Bilaspur station at 14:15 hours to reach Amritsar on the third day at 08:10 hours. The down train 18238 leaves Amritsar at about 16:15 hour to reach Bilaspur on the third day at 12:20 hours.
This train is quite popular helping passengers to travel to their destination in style and great comfort. It has been named after the state of Chattisgarh and was launched in 1978. Initially, it started its run between Habibganj and Bilaspur and then got extension up to Bhopal station. Again in 1987, it was extended to Hazrat Nizamuddin, New Delhi and lastly in 1990 to Amritsar.
The halts between the source and the destination are Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Ambala Cantt., Jagadhri, Muzzarfarnagar, Saharanpur, Ghaziabad, Deoband, Mathura, Meerut, Jhansi, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Agra Cantt., Obedullaganj, Gwalior, Bhopal, Itarsi, Raipur, Gondia, Durg and Nagpur.
There are in total 24 coaches in this train. Between the stations of Bilaspur and Nagpur, WAP 4 that is Itarsi based hauls the train and from Amritsar Jn., WAP 7 hauls the train to its final destination. It is at Amla Jn., where the train gives the longest halt for around 20 – 25 minutes. Since this train always runs full, passengers are advice to book their tickets in advance. This express train also has a wonderful track record with regards to hygiene and punctuality.
It is possible to keep track the train with chhattisgarh express live map provided at the leading portals. This will enable the passenger to track train status in real time. It is very easy and simply requires installation of an app in the smartphone to get access all necessary details. The train can now be found on Google map and the actual location. There is also present zoom in & out feature. All delays can be tracked to catch the train or receive or see-off someone at the station.
Seat Availability 18238/18237 Chhattisgarh Express
Chhattisgarh Express is among one of the oldest running trains in the country. It is operating with train numbers 18237 and 18238 in the country. It belongs to South East Central Railways. The express is running on daily basis and is supposedly covering a total distance of 2109 kms in 44 hours and 55 minutes. The train is connecting Amritsar junction and Gevra Road stations in the country. Are you planning to travel in the same and looking for information related to seat availability in 18238/18237 Chhattisgarh Express? The train has 21 coaches available including AC first class, AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, sleeper, and general unreserved category. There is even a pantry car attached within the express. There are resources available which can help in looking for the seats availability in the express. All one has to do is to mention the desired dates of travelling, and check out in which coaches seats are available and in which they are not. If you want to travel in the same, it would be preferable to book the reservations within time. In general quota, the fare would be Rs. 305 in sleeper, Rs. 825 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 1180 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 1975 in AC first class.
Fare Chart of 18238/18237 Chhattisgarh Express
Chhattisgarh Express is a famous, well-known old express that comes under the supervision of South East Central Railways. The express is connecting Gevra Road and Amritsar stations across the country. It is operating with train numbers 18238 and 18237 from both sides. It runs daily, and covers a total distance of 2109 km in about 44 hours and 55 minutes.
Are you looking for details related to the fare chart of 18238/18237 Chhattisgarh Express? There are 21 coaches in the express, including AC first, AC second, AC third, sleeper, and general coaches. It even has a pantry car attached within the express. As per the fare chart, in general class, the pricing would be Rs. 720 in sleeper, Rs. 1930 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 2845 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 4915 in AC first class coach. In tatkal class, the additional fare that would be charged is Rs. 221 in sleeper, Rs. 567 in AC 3 tier, and Rs. 838 in AC 2 tier coach. In child class, the fare would be Rs. 350 in sleeper, Rs. 945 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 1395 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 2430 in AC first class coach.