15656/55 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra – Kamakhya Express Time Table
Want to know about updates related to time table, fare and coach position seat map of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Kamakhya express? If yes, here you will definitely get to know about the same. Handled as per North Eastern frontier Railways zone, it has been running in between Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra station and Kamakhya junction across the country and is been operating from both ends with train numbers 15655 and 15656. Travelling an overall distance of 2560 kms, it has been running with an average operating speed of 45 km/hour and maximum of 110 km/hour. It takes 56 hours and 50 minutes of time to cover the entire distance. Train 15655 leaves Kamakhya at 10:45 hours in the morning and reaches Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra station on third day of the travel at 16:00 hours in the evening. Train 15656 leaves Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra station at 03:40 hours and reaches Kamakhya junction at 12:30 hours on third day of the journey. The time table of the train could be checked at IRCTC site or at other platforms and people can accordingly plan their travel.
Want to go for a holy visit to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi? If yes, you must go with train no. 15656 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra express operated and taken care by the North East Frontier Railways. Famous and acknowledged as the Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra – Kamakhya Express, it plies in between Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra junction and Kamakhya railway station.
It runs on weekly basis and as per the schedule, it leaves Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra station at about 03:40 hours on every Wednesday and reaches Kamakhya station on third day at 12:30 hours. Crossing and taking stops at about 37 railway stations, the final destination of 15656 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra – Kamakhya express is the Kamakhya junction. The overall distance covered by the train is 2560 kms.
Taking a time span of 56 hours and 50 minutes to complete the overall journey, it arrives on platform number 1 at Vaishno Devi Katra station and reaches on same platform number 1 at Kamakhya station. The average speed of the express is about 45 km/hour with a peak speed of about 110 km/hour. Since, it doesn’t have any pantry car attached, passengers can look for online food meal options and one of the best mediums is to place order from Travel Khana’s platform. Engaged primarily in offering good quality, fresh, hot and hygienic food to passengers directly on their berths, you can even seek other services offered by them like checking seat availability, train running status and more with uttermost ease.
Highlights of Kamakhya Express –
Train details |
Facilities Onboard |
Travel Time: |
53h 15m |
Halts: |
38 |
Distance: |
2559 km |
Avg Speed: |
48 km/hr |
Cleanliness: |
Excellent |
Punctuality: |
Good |
E-Catering |
Yes |
Ticket availability: |
Good |
Mobile/Laptop Charger |
Yes |
15656/Kamakhya Express Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra to Kamakhya Junction Route, Schedule & Time Table–
15655/Kamakhya Express Kamakhya Junction to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Route, Schedule & Time Table–
Jan Nayak express Coach position seat map
It has been backed with 18 coaches involving AC II tier, AC III tier, sleeper and general unreserved coaches. In S1 coach, the seats are like 28, 29, 30, and 32. People can know more about the same after having a look at the seat map. In general quota, for a person to get tickets in the train, the fare is 3,210 for 2A, 810 for SL, 2,155 for 3A and 470 for GN class.
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout Class:-
Second Tire AC Coach(2A):- Seeking for updated information related to second Tier AC coach position, seat map layout and coach position in Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Kamakhya express? Here, you will definitely get the same details. As the train name depicts, it heads in between Kamakhya and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra junction in India and operates with train numbers 15655 and 15656 across the country. Adding to this, it runs on weekly basis from both ends. Comprising 18 coaches in total, the coach composition is been like equipped with second tier AC, third tier AC, sleeper class and general unreserved coaches. To get an understanding of the coach position in any one of them, it is practical to do have a look at the seat map layout of the same and then acquire information from them. In second tier AC coach position, if you check out the seat map layout of the same, you can notice and figure out that there are 4 berths available in the same and each one of them is been differentiated and schemed in different colour frame. Users can even mention the preference in terms of berth at the time of booking seats in the train and can also check with the help of seat number, which berth they got by looking at the seat map and so. There is no pantry car attached in the train and users can seek for delicious and hot e-catering food meal services in the train as per the preference. 
Third Tier AC coach(3A): Seeking online to get information about third Tier AC coach (3A) position of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Kamakhya express? If yes, here you will come to know of the same for sure. As the train name depicts, it runs in between Kamakhya junction and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra junction across the country. From both ends, it runs with train numbers 15655 and 15656. Planning to get reservations in this train in third tier AC coach? Want to know of the coach position in this coach? The best means to grab details of the coach is to simply have a look at the seat map of the same and know of the position and other details within minutes. As designed by the Railways department and seat map of 3A coach, it has berths including lower berth, side lower berth, side upper berth, upper berth and middle berth. Every berth category is been schemed with different colour and the seat map depicts all details within seconds. The berths in total available in the coach are 64. The coach code is B of third tier coach. Amongst 18 coaches available in total, the rakes with numbers 10, 11, 12 and 13 belongs to third tier AC coach. There is no pantry car attached within the train. Do feel free to try out hot and delicious e-catering food meal services in the train anytime from TravelKhana at cost efficient prices. Have a safe and happy journey!

Sleeper Class Non AC coach(SL): Do you want to know about Sleeper Class Non AC coach (SL) details in SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI KATRA – KAMAKHYA EXPRESS? If yes, do read on the following and you will get to know of the same here for sure. Do you have any plans to travel in between Kamakhya junction and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra junction across the country or so? Running on weekly basis, the train belongs to Northeast Frontier Railway zone. It operates with train numbers 15655 and 15656 from both sides. Did you bought the tickets to travel in this train in the sleeper class non AC coach category? Well, in case you want to know more of the coach and coach position, the best means is to simply check out the seat map of the same and get an insight from there. As per the seat map of sleeper class non AC coach composition, the berths available in the same are lower berth, upper berth, middle berth, side lower berth and side upper berth. In total, there are 72 berths available in the coach to seat and to sleep. There are 18 coaches available in the train in total and rake with numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 16 and 17 belongs to sleeper class non AC coach category. There is no pantry car attached within and if desired, travellers can seek for delicious e-catering food meal services as well from Travel Khana and know more of the seat position with the help of seat number and checking out the seat map. 
Unreserved Second Class Compartment(GEN)
End on Generator(EOG)