West Bengal Sampark Kranti Express 12329/12330

Do you want to grab information about time table and route map of WEST BENGAL SAMPARK KRANTI EXPRESS? If yes, do read on the following and you will get to know of the same here for sure. The famous train runs twice in a week and it operates in between New Delhi and Sealdah across the country. It runs with train numbers 12329 and 12330 from both sides. The distance travelled y the train in total is 1446 km. It runs with a super high speed of 64 km/hour. Taking 6 stoppages in between the journey, the travel time is of around 22 hours and 45 minutes. Considering the route map, it is via Barddhaman junction, Durgapur, Asansol junction, Dhanbad and Kanpur Central. Do you want to know of the timing of the train as well at which it leaves and reaches the desired station? In accord to the time table scheduled, train 12329 leaves Sealdah at 13:10 hours and reaches Delhi on the second day of the journey at 12:05 hours. On the other side, train 12330 leaves from Delhi at 19:10 hours and reaches Sealdah on second day of the travel at 17:25 hours. In all, do check out the time table of the train online at IRCTC site, and get the bookings at its earliest as could be possible. Have a safe journey.

The West Bengal Sampark Kranti Express is one of the Sampark Kranti Expresses, a train on India’s broad gauge network, connecting Sealdah (Kolkata) and Old Delhi Railway Station, a distance of approximately 1452.6 km.

12329/ West Bengal Sampark Kranti Express (PT) Route, Schedule & Time Table SDAH/Sealdah – ANVT/Anand Vihar Terminal

Sealdah(SDAH) origin 13:10 origin 0
Barddhaman Junction(BWN) 14:38 14:41 3 0
Durgapur(DGR) 15:29 15:31 2 0
Asansol Junction(ASN) 16:02 16:07 5 0
Dhanbad Junction(DHN) 17:10 17:15 5 0
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction(DDU) 23:00 23:10 10 0
Allahabad Junction(ALD) 01:30 01:31 1 1
Kanpur Central(CNB) 03:50 03:55 5 1
Anand Vihar Terminal(ANVT) 11:55 destination destination 1

12330/ West Bengal Sampark Kranti Express (PT) Route, Schedule & Time Table ANVT/Anand Vihar Terminal – SDAH/Sealdah

Anand Vihar Terminal(ANVT) origin 19:10 origin 0
Kanpur Central(CNB) 01:30 01:35 5 1
Allahabad Junction(ALD) 04:00 04:01 1 1
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction(DDU) 06:30 06:45 15 1
Dhanbad Junction(DHN) 12:22 12:32 10 1
Asansol Junction(ASN) 13:42 13:57 15 1
Durgapur(DGR) 14:27 14:29 2 1
Barddhaman Junction(BWN) 15:20 15:23 3 1
Sealdah(SDAH) 17:30 destination destination 1

West Bengal Sampark Kranti Express 12329/12330 train seat coach map and Fare Chart:

Second Tire AC Coach(2A)

Third Tier AC coach(3A):

Composite AC One Tier/Two Tier(HA1):

Sleeper Class(SL) Non AC Coach:

General  Unreserved  Class(GEN)

End of Generator(EOG)

