12387/12388 Danapur – Anand Vihar Terminal Jan Sadharan Express Train Time Table and Route Map
Want to know about Time table and route map information of Danapur Anand Vihar terminal Jan Sadharan express? If yes, here you will come to know of the same for sure. As the train name also depicts, it runs in between Danapur and Anand Vihar terminal across the country and as of now operates from both ends with train numbers 12387 and 12388. Being a superfast categorized train and been supervised under East Central Railways zone, the distance in total covered by the train is 990 km. The operating speed of the train is 110 km/hour and it runs on day to day basis. The travelling time of the train is 18 hours and 40 minutes. Want to know of the timing too at which train starts and finishes off its journey? As per the time table scheduled, train 12387 leaves Danapur at 16:00 hours and reaches Anand Vihar terminal at 10:40 hours. Other end, train 12388 leaves Anand Vihar terminal at 13:30 hours and reaches Danapur at 07:05 hours. Considering the route that the train follows, it is via Moradabad, Lucknow Charbagh NR, Varanasi, Mughal Sarai, Buxar and Ara. It has 22 coaches available in total so far and there is no pantry car attached with the train. If desired, people can opt for online e-catering food delivery in train services and enjoy their journey more. Have a smooth and happy travel!
12387/Danapur – Anand Vihar Terminal Jan Sadharan Express, DNR/Danapur – ANVT/Anand Vihar Terminal Route, Schedule & Time Table-
Code | Station Name | Arrives | Departs | Halt |
DNR | Danapur | 16:00 | ||
ARA | Ara Junction | 16:29 | 16:31 | 2m |
BXR | Buxar | 17:14 | 17:16 | 2m |
MGS | Mughal Sarai Junction | 19:00 | 19:10 | 10m |
BSB | Varanasi Junction | 19:50 | 20:00 | 10m |
LKO | Lucknow Charbagh NR | 1:40 | 1:50 | 10m |
MB | Moradabad Junction | 7:20 | 7:30 | 10m |
ANVT | Anand Vihar Terminal | 10:40 |
12388/Anand Vihar Terminal – Danapur Jan Sadharan Express, ANVT/Anand Vihar Terminal – DNR/Danapur Route, Schedule & Time Table-
Code | Station Name | Arrives | Departs | Halt |
ANVT | Anand Vihar Terminal | 13:30 | ||
MB | Moradabad Junction | 16:15 | 16:25 | 10m |
LKO | Lucknow Charbagh NR | 21:50 | 22:00 | 10m |
BSB | Varanasi Junction | 2:45 | 2:55 | 10m |
MGS | Mughal Sarai Junction | 3:55 | 4:05 | 10m |
BXR | Buxar | 5:17 | 5:19 | 2m |
ARA | Ara Junction | 6:10 | 6:12 | 2m |
DNR | Danapur | 7:05 |
12387/12388 Danapur – Anand Vihar Terminal Jan Sadharan Express Coach Position, Seat map Layout & Fare
Danapur Anand Vihar Terminal Jan Sadharan Express is a superfast category express belonging to the Eastern Central Railways division. As the superfast express name depicts, it is connecting Danapur and Anand Vihar terminal in the country. The service frequency of the express is daily and it covers a total distance of 990 km in about 18 hours and 40 minutes. It is operating with train numbers 12387 and 12388 from both sides.
Are you looking for the rail information related to 12387/12388 DANAPUR – ANAND VIHAR TERMINAL JAN SADHARAN EXPRESS Coach position, Seat map Layout & Fare? There are 22 coaches in the express and it is a completely unreserved coach class express. There is no pantry car attached in the express. In general unreserved category, one has to buy the tickets from the railway station at the platform. In unreserved category, many a times, people travel in emergency situations and even luggage is been transported from one destination to other in the same. As per the fare chart, in regular category the fare is Rs. 255 in the same. There is no tatkal quota to book in the same. In child class, it is Rs. 130 to travel in the category.
Train Coach Position And Seat Layout:-
Unreserved Second Class Compartment(GS):-
Stands for Seating cum Luggage Rake(SLR):-