Nearest Metro Station to Maulana Azad Medical College

Nearest Metro Station to Maulana Azad Medical College is Delhi Gate

Maulana Azad Medical College is located at 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Road, Balmiki Basti in New Delhi. It is close to Delhi Gate metro station on violet line of Delhi metro. Approximate driving distance from metro station to Maulana Azad Medical College is 1.3 kilometers. It takes 6 minutes if you travel via Jawaharlal Nehru Marg and it is about 17 minutes in walking distance.

Looking for information related to the nearest metro station to Maulana Azad Medical College? If yes, read on the following and you will come to know of the same. Are you studying at Maulana Azad medical college? Are you a medical student and applied for the same college? Well, just for the information Maulana Azad Medical College is located at Bahadur Shah Zafar road 2, Balmik Basti in New Delhi city. The nearest metro station to the college is Delhi Gate metro station that lies on the violet line of metro rail network. The distance in between them is of about 1.3 km and it could be covered by walk, taking an auto or a cab, etc. Also, Jawaharlal Nehru metro station is nearby to the medical college and people can travel from this station till the college in like 6 to 10 minutes. Metro rail services is certainly the best and quickest means to travel in and around the city as they are not only affordable but also provides all comfort like air conditioning, and helps in beating the traffic of the city and not to mention the humidity and heat too. So, do make sure to travel via metro and de-board anywhere at Delhi Gate metro station or Jawaharlal Nehru metro station, and either walk by, take an auto to reach Maulana Azad Medical College. Safe travel!

Check out how to reach Delhi metro station from distinct metro lines. Get yourself updated with total travel fare, number of stations, metro timing, number of interchanges and the metro route.

Route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Kashmere Gate metro Station

Do you want to know about the route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Kashmere Gate metro Station? The distance in between Kashmere Gate metro station and Maulana Azad Medical College is only of 5 km and it is going to take 20 minutes in total in covering the entire distance via road. The nearest metro station though to Maulana Azad Medical College is Delhi Gate station that is on the yellow line of metro railways. The quickest way is to continue the metro journey and drop by at Delhi Gate metro station in around 10 minutes from Kashmere Gate station and from there, Maulana Azad Medical College is only at 2 km distance. And it is going to take, maximum in 6 to 8 minutes in getting to the college. The 2 km distance could be either covered by walk or taking an auto. Other ways are also there to reach by the college like using bus transportation but there is no doubt that metro travel is the safest and cheap ways of getting down to the college. As per India Today and Times of India, the medical college is ranked at 3rd position across the country and is widespread in a large campus area of 122 acres.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 20
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 10
Time 6 min
First 0:00:00
Last 0:00:00
From Platform
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
2 Lal Quila
3 Jama Masjid
4 Delhi Gate

Route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Noida City Center metro Station

Want to know of the route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Noida City Center metro Station? The distance in between Noida City center metro station and Maulana Azad Medical College is of 19.5 km and it is going to take about 30 to 35 minutes in covering the distance via road. The route will be via Noida Link Road and the travel time using a car or a private cab will depend high on the road condition and traffic. It is preferred to do make use of metro rather than any other means of travel, especially if you are a daily commuter or so. Take the metro from Noida Wave City Center on the blue line moving towards Dwarka Sector 21 and get down at Mandi House. Change and take the metro from Mandi House on the violet line moving towards Kashmere Gate and get down at Delhi Gate. From Delhi Gate station, Maulana Azad Medical College is at 1.2 km distance and it could be covered by using an auto service or so. The time will be depending on the transport that you are using. So, take it as per the convenience and enjoy the travel.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 0:00:00
Time 36 min
First 6:00:00
Last 23:05:00
From Platform 2
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Noida City Center 8800793155
2 Golf Course 8800793156
3 Botanical Garden 8800793157
4 Noida Sector-18 8800793158
5 Noida Sector-16 8800793159
6 Noida Sector-15 8800793160
7 New Ashok Nagar 8800793161
8 Mayur Vihar Extention 8800793162
9 Mayur Vihar Phase-1 8800793163
10 Akshardham 8800793164
11 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
12 Indraprastha 8800793166
13 Pragati Maidan 8800793167
14 Mandi House 8800793168
15 Mandi House 8800793168
16 ITO
17 Delhi Gate

Route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Vaishali metro Station

Want to know the route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Vaishali metro Station? The distance via road between Vaishali metro station and Maulana Azad Medical College is 17 km. It is going to take about 27 minutes if you are travelling via car or a taxi. In case you wish to use the metro, the travel time would be almost similar. First take down the metro from Vaishali metro station on the blue line heading towards Dwarka Sector 21, and get down at Mandi House. From Mandi House station, get on the metro moving towards Raj Ghat Power House and get down at Delhi Gate. Maulana Azad Medical College is at a walking distance of 200 m or 3-5 minutes from here. In this travel, the time would be around 35 minutes. The fare would be Rs. 35. Other way is to take the metro from Vaishali station and get down at Supreme Court on the blue line. Walk around 300 m and take the metro from Pragati Maidan metro station and get down at Delhi Gate. It is at a walking distance from the college. The fare and travel time would be almost similar in this route too.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 0:00:00
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 0:00:00
Time 30 min
First 6:00:00
Last 23:05
From Platform 2
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Vaishali 8800793236
2 Kaushambi 8800793235
3 Anand Vihar 8800793198
4 Karkar Duma 8800793199
5 Preet Vihar 8800793200
6 Nirman Vihar 8800793201
7 Laxmi Nagar 8800793202
8 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
9 Indraprastha 8800793166
10 Pragati Maidan 8800793167
11 Mandi House 8800793168
12 Mandi House 8800793168
13 ITO
14 Delhi Gate

Route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Rithala metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 30
Time 39 min
First 6:00:00
Last 23:01:00
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Rithala 8800793120
2 Rohini West 8800793119
3 Rohini East 8800793118
4 Pitam Pura 8800793117
5 Kohat Enclave 8800793116
6 Netaji Subhash Place 8800793115
7 Keshav Puram 8800793114
8 Kanhaiya Nagar 8800793113
9 Inder Lok 8800793112
10 Shastri Nagar 8800793111
11 Pratap Nagar 8800793110
12 Pul Bangash 8800793109
13 Tis Hazari 8800793108
14 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
15 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
16 Lal Quila
17 Jama Masjid
18 Delhi Gate

Route to reach Maulana Azad Medical College from Huda City Centre metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 60
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 0:00:00
Time 57 min
First 5:45:00
Last 23:00
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Huda City Centre 8800793154
2 IFFCO Chowk 8800793153
3 MG Road 8800793152
4 Sikandarpur 8800793151
5 Guru Dronacharya 8800793150
6 Arjan Garh 8800793149
7 Ghitorni 8800793148
8 Sultanpur 8800793147
9 Chhattarpur 8800793146
10 Qutab Minar 8800793145
11 Saket 8800793144
12 Malviya Nagar 8800793143
13 Hauz Khas 8800793142
14 Green Park 8800793141
15 AIIMS 8800793140
16 INA 8800793139
17 Jorbagh 8800793138
18 Lok Kalyan Marg 8800793137
19 Udyog Bhawan 8800793136
20 Central Secretariat 8800793135
21 Central Secretariat 8800793135
22 Janpath
23 Mandi House 8800793168
24 ITO
25 Delhi Gate

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