Coupon Code: EASYTK
Minimum Order Value : 150
Users : New
Apply Only – Msite

Terms & Conditions
1-Offer valid for NEW customers at Travelkhana only
2-Minimum order amount should be Rs. 150
3-Maximum Discount is Rs. 50
5-Valid till 30-Nov 2018
6-Offer can be used only once per user
7-Offer is not valid for order at call center
8-All standard TravelKhana’s T&C are applicable for availing discount,
purchase and delivery of food
10-Travelkhana.com reserves the right to terminate the offer at any time
11-All disputes if any arising out of or in conjunction with or as a
result of this Offer or otherwise relating here to shall be subject to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts in Delhi only,
irrespective of whether Courts in other areas have concurrent or
similar jurisdiction
12. In no event shall Travelkhana be liable for any abuse or misuse of
the code due to the negligence of the customer.
