In accord to the Operation Swarn, Indian Railways has completed and is been all set to introduce the first refurbished Shatabdi express that is supposed to run in between New Delhi and Uttarakhand Kathgodam. The overall distance that is been covered by the express is 282 km and as of now, it has completely new appealing revived interiors equipped with colourful and vibrant vinyl wrapped seats along with the top notch onboard entertainment services just like luxury trains. On Monday, it has unleashed this fact that is coming up with now better hygiene, enhanced comfort, enhanced interiors and features, value added features and so. This is all a part of a project that is been famous as Operation Swarn.SHATABDI-1-875The new Shatabdi express will depart from New Delhi to Kathgodam on Tuesday morning. As per the sources, this new version is been backed with advanced features including gangways, colourful vinyl wrappings in doorways, luggage rack panels, fluorescent strips on the compartment aisle for the sheer guidance of passengers and so. Indian Railways has also worked on the anti graffiti coating on the coach exteriors for better protection and safety along with an anti abrasion permanent coating for the finished appeal of coach flooring. Even, the toilets are upgraded and improvised backed with so many features including personal seat covers, dustbins, hygiene control system, automatic odour and others in all coaches. Adding to this, disposable head rest covers are been available in the executive class coaches.

Considering the on-board entertainment, Indian Railways has been utilizing innovative and modern technology and is been offering Wi-Fi hotspots in the trains so that passengers can enjoy HD streaming and entertainment on their smart and latest mobile phones. As per Indian Railways officials, it has been stated that special attention is been paid regarding the upkeep of several passenger amenity fittings as well as all the coaches are backed with integrated Braille signages. Also, there are plans to include GPS and CCTV information system in all of them. This project was took in June in hands by the Indian Railways majorly focusing on prime 10 areas involving linen, cleanliness, punctuality, toilets, coach interiors, staff behaviour, catering, entertainment, security, regular feedback and housekeeping. Under this project, as per the planning, Indian Railways will incur Rs. 50 Lakh on each train and in total it is a Rs. 25 Crore venture covering 30 trains amongst which 15 are Shatabdi and 15 are Rajdhani. Adding to this, Railways has planned to progressively enhance and improve all the trains to higher standards by March 2018. The top notch 15 premium Shatabdi trains under this project include trains running in between New Delhi-Kanpur, Howrah-Puri, Howrah-Ranchi and New Delhi-Chandigarh. Other 15 premier Rajdhani trains that come under this project are the ones that are been running and heading to Mumbai, Patna, Bhubaneswar, Howrah and Ranchi.b12c10734ece6602c61cbc4ed725c240


Indian Railways Introduces its first refurbished Shatabdi express – Operation Swarn

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