Lucknow Chandigarh Sadbhavna Express is one of the prominent superfast train that operates with two train numbers 12231 / 12232 . It is counted among the daily running superfast train belonging to NR/Northern Zone Railways. It runs in between Lucknow (LKO) and Chandigarh and train 12231 connects from Lucknow the Origin station to Chandigarh the last destination on daily basis. The distance travelled by the train is 645 km in total and the travel time is of around 11 hours and 35 minutes. It stops by at 14 stations along with 111 halts in between the travel and they are at Bareilly,Moradabad, Saharanpur,Ambala Cant junction,Hardoi,Shahjehanpur,Nagina,Najibabad Jn,Laksar Jn,Roorkee and Jagadhri Workshop.
Lucknow Chandigarh Sadbhavna Express runs with an ICF Rake and it has 21 coaches available which includes 2 second ac coaches, 7 sleeper coaches, 4 third ac coaches and 6 second seating unreserved coaches. No pantry car attached within this Train 12231, so to order food you can call directly to TravelKhana. The average running speed of the superfast train is 55 km/hour. As per Indian railways time table, train 12231 leaves Lucknow (LKO) at 22:30 hours and reaches Chandigarh on second day at 10:05 hours. This Train Travels two days to Reach its destination Chandigarh. The fare structure of the train is Rs 1,445/- for AC 2-tier , Rs 1,020/- for AC 3-tier , Rs 385/- for Sleeper and Rs 200 for General coach passengers fare. Train 12231 is maintained by electrified WAP 5 at Ghaziabad Junction railway station.After getting all the important information about the train your journey will more comfortable !
Spot your running train status 12231/LKO CDG EXPRESS
Check the current running status of 12231/LKO CDG EXPRESS which runs between LKO to CDG Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
Origin/Origin |
22:25/22:25 |
- | On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
00:02/00:02 |
00:04/00:04 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:03/01:03 |
01:05/01:05 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:07/02:07 |
02:12/02:12 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
03:52/03:52 |
04:00/04:00 |
8 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
04:39/04:39 |
04:41/04:41 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
04:53/04:53 |
04:55/04:55 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
05:10/05:10 |
05:12/05:12 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
05:32/05:32 |
05:34/05:34 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:04/06:04 |
06:06/06:06 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
06:23/06:23 |
06:25/06:25 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
07:40/07:40 |
07:50/07:50 |
10 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:16/08:16 |
08:18/08:18 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
08:24/08:24 |
08:26/08:26 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:15/09:15 |
09:20/09:20 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
10:05/10:05 |
10:05/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
22:50/Origin |
22:50/22:25 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
00:00/00:02 |
00:04/00:04 |
4 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:20/01:03 |
01:22/01:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:27/02:07 |
02:35/02:12 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 23 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
04:16/03:52 |
04:24/04:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
05:08/04:39 |
05:10/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
05:21/04:53 |
05:24/04:55 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
05:41/05:10 |
05:44/05:12 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
05:59/05:32 |
06:02/05:34 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 28 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:36/06:04 |
06:38/06:06 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
06:53/06:23 |
06:56/06:25 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 31 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
07:47/07:40 |
07:57/07:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:16/08:16 |
08:18/08:18 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
08:26/08:24 |
08:28/08:26 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:13/09:15 |
09:21/09:20 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
09:59/10:05 |
09:59/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
22:42/Origin |
22:42/22:25 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
00:04/00:02 |
00:08/00:04 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:20/01:03 |
01:22/01:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:38/02:07 |
02:43/02:12 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 31 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
03:58/03:52 |
04:06/04:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
04:48/04:39 |
04:52/04:41 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
05:06/04:53 |
05:08/04:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
05:34/05:10 |
05:36/05:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
05:52/05:32 |
05:55/05:34 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:25/06:04 |
06:27/06:06 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
06:49/06:23 |
06:51/06:25 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
07:48/07:40 |
07:58/07:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:22/08:16 |
08:24/08:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
08:31/08:24 |
08:33/08:26 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:16/09:15 |
09:21/09:20 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
10:02/10:05 |
10:02/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
22:33/Origin |
22:33/22:25 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
23:56/00:02 |
00:05/00:04 |
-1431 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:22/01:03 |
01:24/01:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:36/02:07 |
02:41/02:12 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
04:25/03:52 |
04:33/04:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
05:23/04:39 |
05:25/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 44 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
05:46/04:53 |
05:48/04:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 53 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
06:04/05:10 |
06:06/05:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 54 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
06:25/05:32 |
06:28/05:34 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 54 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:59/06:04 |
07:20/06:06 |
21 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 14min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
07:40/06:23 |
07:43/06:25 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 18min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
08:25/07:40 |
08:35/07:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 45 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:54/08:16 |
08:56/08:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 38 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
09:04/08:24 |
09:08/08:26 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 42 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:48/09:15 |
09:59/09:20 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 39 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
10:45/10:05 |
10:45/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 40 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
22:35/Origin |
22:35/22:25 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
23:59/00:02 |
00:04/00:04 |
-1435 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:21/01:03 |
01:31/01:05 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:30/02:07 |
02:35/02:12 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 23 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
04:08/03:52 |
04:16/04:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
04:54/04:39 |
04:57/04:41 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
05:11/04:53 |
05:15/04:55 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
05:36/05:10 |
05:40/05:12 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 28 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
06:00/05:32 |
06:02/05:34 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 28 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:33/06:04 |
06:35/06:06 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
06:56/06:23 |
06:58/06:25 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
07:50/07:40 |
08:00/07:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:17/08:16 |
08:19/08:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
08:29/08:24 |
08:31/08:26 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:14/09:15 |
09:29/09:20 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
10:10/10:05 |
10:10/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
22:35/Origin |
22:35/22:25 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
23:50/00:02 |
00:06/00:04 |
-1424 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:12/01:03 |
01:17/01:05 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:23/02:07 |
02:28/02:12 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
04:04/03:52 |
04:12/04:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
04:58/04:39 |
05:00/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
05:17/04:53 |
05:20/04:55 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
05:41/05:10 |
05:51/05:12 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 39 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
06:10/05:32 |
06:14/05:34 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 40 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:47/06:04 |
06:50/06:06 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 44 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
07:12/06:23 |
07:14/06:25 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 49 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
07:52/07:40 |
08:02/07:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:23/08:16 |
08:25/08:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
08:32/08:24 |
08:35/08:26 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:16/09:15 |
09:21/09:20 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
10:01/10:05 |
10:01/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) |
22:49/Origin |
22:49/22:25 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Hardoi (HRI) |
00:02/00:02 |
00:04/00:04 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) |
01:26/01:03 |
01:28/01:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 23 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Bareilly Jn (BE) |
02:23/02:07 |
02:28/02:12 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Moradabad Jn (MB) |
03:58/03:52 |
04:06/04:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Seohara (SEO) |
04:50/04:39 |
04:53/04:41 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Dhampur (DPR) |
05:09/04:53 |
05:12/04:55 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Nagina (NGG) |
05:31/05:10 |
05:37/05:12 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) |
05:56/05:32 |
05:58/05:34 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) |
06:30/06:04 |
06:35/06:06 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Roorkee (RK) |
06:55/06:23 |
07:00/06:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 35 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) |
08:06/07:40 |
08:16/07:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) |
08:37/08:16 |
08:39/08:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) |
08:46/08:24 |
08:50/08:26 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) |
09:30/09:15 |
09:41/09:20 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) |
10:23/10:05 |
10:23/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 18 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Station | Arrival | 2025-03-27 | 2025-03-26 | 2025-03-25 | 2025-03-24 | 2025-03-23 | 2025-03-22 | 2025-03-21 |
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO) | Origin | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min |
Hardoi (HRI) | 00:02 | 18 min | 18 min | 18 min | 18 min | 18 min | 18 min | 18 min |
Shahjahanpur Jn (SPN) | 01:03 | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min |
Bareilly Jn (BE) | 02:07 | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min |
Moradabad Jn (MB) | 03:52 | 38 min | 38 min | 38 min | 38 min | 38 min | 38 min | 38 min |
Seohara (SEO) | 04:39 | 50 min | 50 min | 50 min | 50 min | 50 min | 50 min | 50 min |
Dhampur (DPR) | 04:53 | 51 min | 51 min | 51 min | 51 min | 51 min | 51 min | 51 min |
Nagina (NGG) | 05:10 | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min |
Najibabad Jn (NBD) | 05:32 | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min | 52 min |
Laksar Jn (LRJ) | 06:04 | 55 min | 55 min | 55 min | 55 min | 55 min | 55 min | 55 min |
Roorkee (RK) | 06:23 | 60 min | 60 min | 60 min | 60 min | 60 min | 60 min | 60 min |
Saharanpur Jn (SRE) | 07:40 | 53 min | 53 min | 53 min | 53 min | 53 min | 53 min | 53 min |
Yamunanagar Jagadhri (YJUD) | 08:16 | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min |
Jagadhri Workshop (JUDW) | 08:24 | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min | 49 min |
Ambala Cantt Jn (UMB) | 09:15 | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min |
Chandigarh Jn (CDG) | 10:05 | 43 min | 43 min | 43 min | 43 min | 43 min | 43 min | 43 min |
Frequently Ask Question about Train
12231 LKO CDG EXPRESS is Crossed at .
12231 LKO CDG EXPRESS runs from Lucknow Charbagh NR(LKO) to Chandigarh Jn(CDG).
Train covers a distance of Kilometers in 644km in 11h 40m
12231 LKO CDG EXPRESS has maximum stoppage time at Saharanpur Jn(10 min).
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
LKO CDG EXPRESS(12231) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived