Dibrugarh Rajdhani Express is among one of the premier running trains in the exclusive feet of Rajdhani Expresses operating as of now in India. It belongs to Northern Railways and Northeast Frontier Railways. As the train name suggests, it runs between Dibrugarh and New Delhi in the country. The running frequency of the express is daily and it operates with train numbers 12423 and 12424 from both sides.
Are you travelling in the train 12423 and want to know its time table? Train 12423 runs with a super speed of 65 km/hour and covers a total distance of 2432 km in about 37 hours and 35 minutes. It stops by at 19 halts between the source and destination stations. Train 12423 runs from Dibrugarh station to New Delhi station. The prominent stoppages between the stations are at New Tinsukia, Dimapur, Lumding, Guwahati, New Bongaigaon, New Jalpaiguri, Katihar, Barauni, Patliputra, Pt DD Upadhayaya, and Kanpur Central. According to the timetable, train 12423 leaves Dibrugarh at 20:55 hours and reaches New Delhi at 10:30 hours on third day of the journey. There are 22 coaches in the express, it has a pantry car, AC first class, AC second class, and AC third class coaches. If one wishes to, they can place an order via Travel Khana’s app, for lip smacking regional dish or anything else that could meet their hunger pangs. In general class, the fare in the express is Rs. 6900 in first class, Rs. 4205 in second class, and Rs. 3195 in third class.
Spot your train app is an ideal way to keep a track of train 12423 and know its running movement within minutes. So, check out the app, and make the right calls after going through the same and have a safe and hassle-free travel!
Spot your running train status 12423/RAJDHANI EXP
Check the current running status of 12423/RAJDHANI EXP which runs between DBRG to NDLS Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
Origin/Origin |
20:55/20:55 |
- | On Time | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
21:40/21:40 |
21:50/21:50 |
10 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
00:02/00:02 |
00:07/00:07 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:00/02:00 |
02:07/02:07 |
7 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
03:18/03:18 |
03:23/03:23 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
04:39/04:39 |
04:41/04:41 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
06:30/06:30 |
06:45/06:45 |
15 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
07:45/07:45 |
07:47/07:47 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
09:20/09:20 |
09:25/09:25 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
09:50/09:50 |
09:52/09:52 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
10:58/10:58 |
11:00/11:00 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:05/13:05 |
13:15/13:15 |
10 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
14:20/14:20 |
14:22/14:22 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:20/16:20 |
16:30/16:30 |
10 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
17:16/17:16 |
17:18/17:18 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
18:01/18:01 |
18:03/18:03 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
19:05/19:05 |
19:15/19:15 |
10 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
21:40/21:40 |
21:50/21:50 |
10 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
22:03/22:03 |
22:05/22:05 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
00:50/00:50 |
01:00/01:00 |
10 min | On Time | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
02:53/02:53 |
02:55/02:55 |
2 min | On Time | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
05:00/05:00 |
05:05/05:05 |
5 min | On Time | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:30/10:30 |
10:30/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
20:56/Origin |
20:56/20:55 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
21:37/21:40 |
21:50/21:50 |
13 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
00:58/00:02 |
01:03/00:07 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 56 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:38/02:00 |
02:45/02:07 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 38 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
03:48/03:18 |
03:53/03:23 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 30 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
05:02/04:39 |
05:04/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 23 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
06:59/06:30 |
07:18/06:45 |
19 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
08:35/07:45 |
08:37/07:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 50 min | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
10:02/09:20 |
10:07/09:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 42 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
10:44/09:50 |
10:47/09:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 55 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
11:52/10:58 |
11:57/11:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 57 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:37/13:05 |
13:47/13:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
14:47/14:20 |
14:49/14:22 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 27 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:30/16:20 |
16:40/16:30 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
16:30/17:16 |
16:40/17:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
17:32/18:01 |
17:34/18:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
18:16/19:05 |
18:18/19:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
19:30/21:40 |
19:40/21:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
21:40/22:03 |
21:50/22:05 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
22:03/00:50 |
22:05/01:00 |
10 min | On Time | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
00:50/02:53 |
01:00/02:55 |
2 min | On Time | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
02:58/05:00 |
03:00/05:05 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:30/10:30 |
10:30/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
21:17/Origin |
21:17/20:55 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
22:02/21:40 |
22:12/21:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
00:35/00:02 |
00:40/00:07 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:33/02:00 |
02:40/02:07 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
03:51/03:18 |
03:56/03:23 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
05:12/04:39 |
05:14/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
07:03/06:30 |
07:18/06:45 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
08:18/07:45 |
08:20/07:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
09:58/09:20 |
10:03/09:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 38 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
10:33/09:50 |
10:35/09:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 43 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
12:06/10:58 |
12:08/11:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 8min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:54/13:05 |
14:04/13:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 49 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
15:06/14:20 |
15:08/14:22 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 46 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:41/16:20 |
16:51/16:30 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
17:38/17:16 |
17:40/17:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
18:23/18:01 |
18:27/18:03 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
19:38/19:05 |
19:48/19:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
21:34/21:40 |
21:51/21:50 |
17 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
22:10/22:03 |
22:12/22:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
00:39/00:50 |
01:04/01:00 |
25 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
02:45/02:53 |
02:55/02:55 |
10 min | Departed /On Time | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
04:57/05:00 |
05:08/05:05 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:23/10:30 |
10:23/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
21:14/Origin |
21:14/20:55 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
21:59/21:40 |
22:09/21:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
01:01/00:02 |
01:06/00:07 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 59 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:47/02:00 |
02:54/02:07 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 47 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
03:59/03:18 |
04:05/03:23 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 42 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
05:26/04:39 |
05:28/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 47 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
06:47/06:30 |
07:02/06:45 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
08:03/07:45 |
08:08/07:47 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
09:30/09:20 |
09:35/09:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
10:16/09:50 |
10:18/09:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
11:32/10:58 |
11:34/11:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 34 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:27/13:05 |
13:37/13:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
14:39/14:20 |
14:44/14:22 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:16/16:20 |
16:30/16:30 |
14 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
17:19/17:16 |
17:21/17:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
18:05/18:01 |
18:08/18:03 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
19:27/19:05 |
19:37/19:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
21:29/21:40 |
21:51/21:50 |
22 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
22:13/22:03 |
22:15/22:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
00:30/00:50 |
01:10/01:00 |
40 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
02:51/02:53 |
03:01/02:55 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
05:04/05:00 |
05:09/05:05 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:26/10:30 |
10:26/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
21:15/Origin |
21:15/20:55 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
22:00/21:40 |
22:10/21:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
00:07/00:02 |
00:12/00:07 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:05/02:00 |
02:12/02:07 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
03:23/03:18 |
03:28/03:23 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
04:44/04:39 |
04:46/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
06:41/06:30 |
07:09/06:45 |
28 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
07:51/07:45 |
07:56/07:47 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
09:24/09:20 |
09:46/09:25 |
22 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
10:15/09:50 |
10:17/09:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
11:29/10:58 |
11:37/11:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 37 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:13/13:05 |
13:25/13:15 |
12 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
14:24/14:20 |
14:28/14:22 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:09/16:20 |
16:30/16:30 |
21 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
17:22/17:16 |
17:24/17:18 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
18:08/18:01 |
18:10/18:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
19:16/19:05 |
19:31/19:15 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
21:20/21:40 |
21:51/21:50 |
31 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
22:10/22:03 |
22:12/22:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
00:29/00:50 |
01:00/01:00 |
31 min | Departed /On Time | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
02:56/02:53 |
03:05/02:55 |
9 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
05:10/05:00 |
05:17/05:05 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:24/10:30 |
10:24/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
21:27/Origin |
21:27/20:55 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
22:12/21:40 |
22:22/21:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
01:03/00:02 |
01:08/00:07 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 1min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:56/02:00 |
03:03/02:07 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 56 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
04:28/03:18 |
04:33/03:23 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 10min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
05:56/04:39 |
05:58/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 17min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
07:19/06:30 |
07:47/06:45 |
28 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 2min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
08:36/07:45 |
08:38/07:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 51 min | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
10:08/09:20 |
10:13/09:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 48 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
10:42/09:50 |
10:46/09:52 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 54 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
11:45/10:58 |
11:47/11:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 47 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:46/13:05 |
14:01/13:15 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 46 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
14:59/14:20 |
15:02/14:22 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 40 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:30/16:20 |
16:40/16:30 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
17:28/17:16 |
17:31/17:18 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
18:17/18:01 |
18:22/18:03 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
19:31/19:05 |
19:41/19:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
21:34/21:40 |
21:51/21:50 |
17 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
22:11/22:03 |
22:13/22:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
00:45/00:50 |
01:00/01:00 |
15 min | Departed /On Time | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
03:03/02:53 |
03:05/02:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
05:00/05:00 |
05:05/05:05 |
5 min | Departed /On Time | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:13/10:30 |
10:13/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) |
20:57/Origin |
20:57/20:55 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 1 |
N.A |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) |
21:43/21:40 |
21:53/21:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Mariani Jn (MXN) |
00:09/00:02 |
00:14/00:07 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Dimapur (DMV) |
02:03/02:00 |
02:10/02:07 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Lumding Jn (LMG) |
03:20/03:18 |
03:27/03:23 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) |
04:55/04:39 |
04:57/04:41 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Guwahati (GHY) |
06:31/06:30 |
07:12/06:45 |
41 min | Departed /Late by 27 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) |
08:06/07:45 |
08:08/07:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
N.A |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) |
09:35/09:20 |
09:40/09:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) |
10:18/09:50 |
10:20/09:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 28 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) |
11:36/10:58 |
11:38/11:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 38 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) |
13:27/13:05 |
13:42/13:15 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 27 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
KishanGanj (KNE) |
14:45/14:20 |
14:48/14:22 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Katihar Jn (KIR) |
16:24/16:20 |
16:34/16:30 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Naugachia (NNA) |
17:33/17:16 |
17:38/17:18 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Mansi Jn (MNE) |
18:30/18:01 |
18:32/18:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
N.A |
Barauni Jn (BJU) |
19:51/19:05 |
20:01/19:15 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 46 min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) |
22:08/21:40 |
22:19/21:50 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Danapur (DNR) |
22:40/22:03 |
22:42/22:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 37 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) |
01:03/00:50 |
01:15/01:00 |
12 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 3 |
Platform 4 |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) |
03:00/02:53 |
03:06/02:55 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 3 |
Platform 2 |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) |
05:14/05:00 |
05:19/05:05 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 14 min | 3 |
Platform 3 |
New Delhi (NDLS) |
10:26/10:30 |
10:26/Destination |
- | On Time | 3 |
Platform 16 |
Station | Arrival | 2025-03-25 | 2025-03-24 | 2025-03-23 | 2025-03-22 | 2025-03-21 | 2025-03-20 | 2025-03-19 |
Dibrugarh (DBRG) | Origin | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
New Tinsukia Jn (NTSK) | 21:40 | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min |
Mariani Jn (MXN) | 00:02 | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min |
Dimapur (DMV) | 02:00 | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min |
Lumding Jn (LMG) | 03:18 | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min |
Chaparmukh Jn (CPK) | 04:39 | 28 min | 28 min | 28 min | 28 min | 28 min | 28 min | 28 min |
Guwahati (GHY) | 06:30 | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min |
Rangiya Jn (RNY) | 07:45 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ) | 09:20 | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min |
Kokrajhar (KOJ) | 09:50 | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min | 26 min |
New Cooch Behar (NCB) | 10:58 | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min |
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP) | 13:05 | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min |
KishanGanj (KNE) | 14:20 | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min | 32 min |
Katihar Jn (KIR) | 16:20 | 14 min | 14 min | 14 min | 14 min | 14 min | 14 min | 14 min |
Naugachia (NNA) | 17:16 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Mansi Jn (MNE) | 18:01 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Barauni Jn (BJU) | 19:05 | 29 min | 29 min | 29 min | 29 min | 29 min | 29 min | 29 min |
Patliputra Jn (PPTA) | 21:40 | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min |
Danapur (DNR) | 22:03 | 16 min | 16 min | 16 min | 16 min | 16 min | 16 min | 16 min |
Pt DD Upadhyaya Jn (DDU) | 00:50 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Prayagraj Jn (PRYJ) | 02:53 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Kanpur Ctrl (CNB) | 05:00 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
New Delhi (NDLS) | 10:30 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Frequently Ask Question about Train
12423 RAJDHANI EXP is Crossed at .
12423 RAJDHANI EXP runs from Dibrugarh(DBRG) to New Delhi(NDLS).
Train covers a distance of Kilometers in 2436km in 37h 35m
12423 RAJDHANI EXP has maximum stoppage time at Guwahati(15 min).
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
RAJDHANI EXP(12423) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived