Indore Jabalpur Overnight Superfast Express comes under the supervision of West Central Railways. The superfast express is connecting Indore and Jabalpur stations in the country. The express is operating with train numbers 22191 and 22192 from both sides. The distance covered by the express is 554 km and the travel time is of 10 hours and 5 minutes. The service frequency of the express is daily.
Are you travelling in the express 22191 in the coming time? Have you been looking for information related to its timetable or so? There are 22 coaches in the express. It covers AC first class, AC second class, AC third class, sleeper, and general unreserved coaches. It doesn’t have any pantry car attached. Passengers can opt for tasty and yummy e-catering food meal services in the express if they want to by simply placing an order from Travel Khana. The average operating speed of the express is 54 km/hour. The halts that the train takes is 12 in total and they are at Dewas, Maksi, Berchha, Sant Hirdaram Nagar, Bhopal, Rani Kamlapati, Narmadapuram, Itarsi, Pipariya, Gadarwara, Narsinghpur, and Madan Mahal. The express is connecting Indore station and Jabalpur station in the country. As per the timetable, it leaves Indore station at 19:30 hours and reaches Jabalpur station at 05:40 hours on next day of the journey. In general class, the fare would be Rs. 345 in sleeper, Rs. 910 in AC 3 tier, Rs. 1285 in AC 2 tier, and Rs. 2155 in AC first class.
Spot your train is a useful app helping travellers in being aware of the latest updates and information about the train. Be it about the real time actual location of the train, or the halts it crossed or coming by, or knowing if there is any delay or not in the train’s running movement, it can help with everything in a go.
Spot your running train status 22191/INDB JBP SF EXP
Check the current running status of 22191/INDB JBP SF EXP which runs between INDB to JBP Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
Origin/Origin |
19:30/19:30 |
- | On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
19:56/19:56 |
19:58/19:58 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:48/20:48 |
20:50/20:50 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:05/21:05 |
21:07/21:07 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:35/21:35 |
21:36/21:36 |
1 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:42/21:42 |
21:44/21:44 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
21:56/21:56 |
21:58/21:58 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
23:05/23:05 |
23:07/23:07 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:25/23:25 |
23:35/23:35 |
10 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
23:48/23:48 |
23:50/23:50 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:10/00:10 |
00:12/00:12 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
00:55/00:55 |
00:57/00:57 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:35/01:35 |
01:50/01:50 |
15 min | On Time | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
02:38/02:38 |
02:40/02:40 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:18/03:18 |
03:20/03:20 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
03:38/03:38 |
03:40/03:40 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
03:53/03:53 |
03:55/03:55 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:03/05:03 |
05:05/05:05 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:35/05:35 |
05:35/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
19:45/Origin |
19:45/19:30 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
20:08/19:56 |
20:10/19:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:59/20:48 |
21:01/20:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:09/21:05 |
21:11/21:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:33/21:35 |
21:36/21:36 |
3 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:47/21:42 |
21:49/21:44 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
21:59/21:56 |
22:03/21:58 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
23:09/23:05 |
23:11/23:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:35/23:25 |
23:45/23:35 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
23:52/23:48 |
23:54/23:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:26/00:10 |
00:28/00:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
01:24/00:55 |
01:26/00:57 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:48/01:35 |
02:08/01:50 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 18 min | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
03:00/02:38 |
03:02/02:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:33/03:18 |
03:35/03:20 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
04:00/03:38 |
04:02/03:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
04:15/03:53 |
04:17/03:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:13/05:03 |
05:18/05:05 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:25/05:35 |
05:25/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
19:30/Origin |
19:30/19:30 |
0 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
20:08/19:56 |
20:10/19:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:56/20:48 |
20:59/20:50 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:15/21:05 |
21:17/21:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:38/21:35 |
21:39/21:36 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:50/21:42 |
21:53/21:44 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
22:04/21:56 |
22:05/21:58 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
22:44/23:05 |
23:07/23:07 |
23 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:30/23:25 |
23:41/23:35 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
23:54/23:48 |
00:02/23:50 |
-1432 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:25/00:10 |
00:27/00:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
01:05/00:55 |
01:07/00:57 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:32/01:35 |
01:59/01:50 |
27 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
02:58/02:38 |
03:00/02:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:34/03:18 |
03:35/03:20 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
03:57/03:38 |
03:58/03:40 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 18 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
04:10/03:53 |
04:11/03:55 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:12/05:03 |
05:15/05:05 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:26/05:35 |
05:26/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
19:55/Origin |
19:55/19:30 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
20:21/19:56 |
20:23/19:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:55/20:48 |
20:57/20:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:11/21:05 |
21:14/21:07 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:36/21:35 |
21:37/21:36 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:52/21:42 |
21:54/21:44 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
22:03/21:56 |
22:05/21:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
23:05/23:05 |
23:07/23:07 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:34/23:25 |
23:44/23:35 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
00:15/23:48 |
00:17/23:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 27 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:35/00:10 |
00:37/00:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
01:12/00:55 |
01:14/00:57 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:38/01:35 |
02:02/01:50 |
24 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
03:11/02:38 |
03:13/02:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:49/03:18 |
03:51/03:20 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 31 min | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
04:12/03:38 |
04:14/03:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 34 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
04:26/03:53 |
04:28/03:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 33 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:33/05:03 |
05:36/05:05 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 31 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:46/05:35 |
05:46/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 11 min | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
19:40/Origin |
19:40/19:30 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
20:07/19:56 |
20:10/19:58 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:51/20:48 |
20:53/20:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:08/21:05 |
21:11/21:07 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:32/21:35 |
21:36/21:36 |
4 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:48/21:42 |
21:50/21:44 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
22:01/21:56 |
22:03/21:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
23:08/23:05 |
23:10/23:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:32/23:25 |
23:42/23:35 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
00:05/23:48 |
00:20/23:50 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 30 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:41/00:10 |
00:43/00:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 31 min | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
01:20/00:55 |
01:22/00:57 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:38/01:35 |
01:53/01:50 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
02:58/02:38 |
03:00/02:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:34/03:18 |
03:36/03:20 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
03:55/03:38 |
03:57/03:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
04:09/03:53 |
04:11/03:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:09/05:03 |
05:13/05:05 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:26/05:35 |
05:26/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
19:45/Origin |
19:45/19:30 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
20:10/19:56 |
20:12/19:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 14 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:53/20:48 |
20:55/20:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:12/21:05 |
21:14/21:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:37/21:35 |
21:39/21:36 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:51/21:42 |
21:53/21:44 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
22:04/21:56 |
22:06/21:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
23:05/23:05 |
23:07/23:07 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:28/23:25 |
23:39/23:35 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
23:51/23:48 |
00:11/23:50 |
-1420 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:31/00:10 |
00:33/00:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
01:19/00:55 |
01:21/00:57 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 24 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:45/01:35 |
02:00/01:50 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
02:56/02:38 |
02:58/02:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 18 min | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:24/03:18 |
03:26/03:20 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
03:51/03:38 |
03:53/03:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
04:08/03:53 |
04:10/03:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:09/05:03 |
05:11/05:05 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:20/05:35 |
05:20/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Indore Jn (INDB) |
19:45/Origin |
19:45/19:30 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Dewas Jn (DWX) |
20:12/19:56 |
20:14/19:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Maksi Jn (MKC) |
20:53/20:48 |
20:55/20:50 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Berchha (BCH) |
21:17/21:05 |
21:19/21:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Akodia (AKD) |
21:35/21:35 |
21:36/21:36 |
1 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Shujalpur (SJP) |
21:49/21:42 |
21:51/21:44 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Kalapipal (KPP) |
22:01/21:56 |
22:03/21:58 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) |
23:07/23:05 |
23:09/23:07 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) |
23:35/23:25 |
23:45/23:35 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) |
23:56/23:48 |
23:59/23:50 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) |
00:23/00:10 |
00:25/00:12 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
N.A |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) |
01:00/00:55 |
01:02/00:57 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Itarsi Jn (ET) |
01:37/01:35 |
01:52/01:50 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 2 |
N.A |
Pipariya (PPI) |
02:40/02:38 |
02:42/02:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 2 |
N.A |
Gadarwara (GAR) |
03:16/03:18 |
03:26/03:20 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 2 |
N.A |
Kareli (KY) |
03:48/03:38 |
03:50/03:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Narsinghpur (NU) |
04:01/03:53 |
04:04/03:55 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Madan Mahal (MML) |
05:00/05:03 |
05:05/05:05 |
5 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Jabalpur (JBP) |
05:15/05:35 |
05:15/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 6 |
Station | Arrival | 2025-03-25 | 2025-03-24 | 2025-03-23 | 2025-03-22 | 2025-03-21 | 2025-03-20 | 2025-03-19 |
Indore Jn (INDB) | Origin | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min |
Dewas Jn (DWX) | 19:56 | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min | 15 min |
Maksi Jn (MKC) | 20:48 | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min |
Berchha (BCH) | 21:05 | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min |
Akodia (AKD) | 21:35 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Shujalpur (SJP) | 21:42 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Kalapipal (KPP) | 21:56 | 1 min | 1 min | 1 min | 1 min | 1 min | 1 min | 1 min |
Sant Hirdaram Nagar (SHRN) | 23:05 | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min | 13 min |
Bhopal Jn (BPL) | 23:25 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Rani Kamalapati (RKMP) | 23:48 | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min |
Obaidulla Ganj (ODG) | 00:10 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Narmadapuram (NDPM) | 00:55 | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min |
Itarsi Jn (ET) | 01:35 | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min | 12 min |
Pipariya (PPI) | 02:38 | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min |
Gadarwara (GAR) | 03:18 | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min |
Kareli (KY) | 03:38 | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min |
Narsinghpur (NU) | 03:53 | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min |
Madan Mahal (MML) | 05:03 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Jabalpur (JBP) | 05:35 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Frequently Ask Question about Train
22191 INDB JBP SF EXP is Crossed at .
22191 INDB JBP SF EXP runs from Indore Jn(INDB) to Jabalpur(JBP).
Train covers a distance of Kilometers in 554km in 10h 0m
22191 INDB JBP SF EXP has maximum stoppage time at Itarsi Jn(15 min).
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
INDB JBP SF EXP(22191) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived