Presently , Kharagpur express operating with train number 22603 / 22604 which is one of the popular train that belonging to Southern railway zone, connects Villupuram Junction and Kharagpur Junction stations.Kharagpur Express (22604) started its first service on 22 february 2012. The distance covered by the train in total is 1778 km and the average operating speed of the train is 57 km/hour and it takes about 31hr 45 min to cover the entire distance. Train stops at 18 stations and intermediates at 299 stations that includes Katpadi Jn, Renigunta Jn, Gudur Jn, Vijayawada Jn, Vishakapatnam, Vizianagram Jn, Brahmapur , Khurda Road Jn,Bhubaneswar and Cuttack covering the states of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Kharagpur Express has the maximum halt time of 20 Minutes in Vishakapatnam and Khurda Road Jn.
As per the time table train leaves from Villupuram Jn (VM) at 11:40 am and reaches Kharagpur Jn on second day at 19:25 pm. Kharagpur SF Express runs with an ICF Rake and this Train has 18 coaches that includes 1 second ac coach, 7 sleeper coaches, 2 third ac coaches and 6 second seating unreserved coaches. Average Fare charges of Second AC approximately Rs 2,650 , Third AC Rs 1,820/-, Sleeper class around Rs 690/- and for general Rs 385/-. This train (22604) maintained by Erode loco shed which is based by WAP-4 by an electric locomotive in between Kharagpur and Villupuram stations. Travellers can approach Travelkhana to order fresh and hygienic food which would be delivered at their seat , because there is no pantry car services available inside the train . One can easily track train utility and actual position status to know more of the train. Hoping for a safe journey!
Spot your running train status 22604/VM KGP SF EXP
Check the current running status of 22604/VM KGP SF EXP which runs between VM to KGP Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
Origin/Origin |
11:05/11:05 |
- | On Time | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
11:58/11:58 |
12:00/12:00 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:23/13:23 |
13:25/13:25 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
13:50/13:50 |
13:55/13:55 |
5 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
14:53/14:53 |
14:55/14:55 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
15:40/15:40 |
15:45/15:45 |
5 min | On Time | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
18:24/18:24 |
18:25/18:25 |
1 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
22:40/22:40 |
22:50/22:50 |
10 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
23:34/23:34 |
23:35/23:35 |
1 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
00:58/00:58 |
01:00/01:00 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
05:40/05:40 |
06:00/06:00 |
20 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
06:50/06:50 |
06:55/06:55 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
09:03/09:59 |
09:05/10:04 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) |
09:59/11:25 |
10:04/11:45 |
20 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
11:25/12:10 |
11:45/12:15 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
12:10/12:50 |
12:15/12:55 |
5 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
12:50/13:38 |
12:55/13:39 |
1 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
13:38/15:50 |
13:39/15:52 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
15:50/17:01 |
15:52/17:03 |
2 min | On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
18:35/18:35 |
18:35/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
11:06/Origin |
11:06/11:05 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
11:59/11:58 |
12:01/12:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:21/13:23 |
13:25/13:25 |
4 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
13:52/13:50 |
14:00/13:55 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
15:08/14:53 |
15:10/14:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
16:18/15:40 |
16:23/15:45 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 38 min | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
19:01/18:24 |
19:09/18:25 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 44 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
23:31/22:40 |
23:41/22:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 51 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
00:41/23:34 |
00:44/23:35 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 9min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
01:50/00:58 |
01:52/01:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 52 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
05:29/05:40 |
06:00/06:00 |
31 min | Departed /On Time | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
06:57/06:50 |
07:03/06:55 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
10:41/09:59 |
10:48/10:04 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 44 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) |
13:25/11:25 |
13:50/11:45 |
25 min | Departed /Late by 2hr 5min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
14:11/12:10 |
14:23/12:15 |
12 min | Departed /Late by 2hr 8min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
14:51/12:50 |
14:56/12:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 2hr 1min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
16:48/13:38 |
16:51/13:39 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 3hr 12min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
19:01/15:50 |
19:22/15:52 |
21 min | Departed /Late by 3hr 30min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
20:35/17:01 |
20:38/17:03 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 3hr 35min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
21:33/18:35 |
21:33/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 2hr 58min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
11:10/Origin |
11:10/11:05 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
12:03/11:58 |
12:05/12:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:23/13:23 |
13:25/13:25 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
14:17/13:50 |
14:22/13:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 27 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
15:10/14:53 |
15:12/14:55 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
16:35/15:40 |
16:40/15:45 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 55 min | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
19:18/18:24 |
19:24/18:25 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 59 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
00:04/22:40 |
00:19/22:50 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 29min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
01:08/23:34 |
01:10/23:35 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 35min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
02:30/00:58 |
02:38/01:00 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 38min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
06:06/05:40 |
06:26/06:00 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
07:24/06:50 |
07:29/06:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 34 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
10:17/09:59 |
10:23/10:04 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) |
12:25/11:25 |
12:45/11:45 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 60 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
12:55/12:10 |
13:02/12:15 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 47 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
13:39/12:50 |
13:44/12:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 49 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
14:37/13:38 |
14:40/13:39 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 1min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
16:13/15:50 |
16:17/15:52 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 25 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
17:30/17:01 |
17:32/17:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
18:22/18:35 |
18:22/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
11:11/Origin |
11:11/11:05 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
12:04/11:58 |
12:06/12:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:23/13:23 |
13:25/13:25 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
14:04/13:50 |
14:13/13:55 |
9 min | Departed /Late by 18 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
15:21/14:53 |
15:31/14:55 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 36 min | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
16:20/15:40 |
16:26/15:45 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 41 min | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
18:49/18:24 |
18:57/18:25 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
23:12/22:40 |
23:22/22:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 32 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
00:12/23:34 |
00:13/23:35 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 38 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
01:25/00:58 |
01:28/01:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 28 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
05:47/05:40 |
06:13/06:00 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
05:47/06:50 |
06:13/06:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
07:02/09:59 |
07:07/10:04 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) |
10:07/11:25 |
10:12/11:45 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
11:47/12:10 |
12:01/12:15 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 16 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
12:27/12:50 |
12:35/12:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
13:11/13:38 |
13:16/13:39 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 21 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
14:14/15:50 |
14:16/15:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 37 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
16:09/17:01 |
16:12/17:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 20 min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
18:35/18:35 |
18:35/Destination |
- | On Time | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
11:09/Origin |
11:09/11:05 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
12:02/11:58 |
12:04/12:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:19/13:23 |
13:25/13:25 |
6 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
13:44/13:50 |
13:59/13:55 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
15:19/14:53 |
15:26/14:55 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 31 min | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
16:16/15:40 |
16:21/15:45 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 36 min | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
18:43/18:24 |
18:48/18:25 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 23 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
23:48/22:40 |
23:58/22:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 8min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
00:59/23:34 |
01:00/23:35 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 25min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
02:16/00:58 |
02:18/01:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 18min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
02:16/05:40 |
02:18/06:00 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 18min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
06:50/06:50 |
07:16/06:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 16min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
08:11/09:59 |
08:16/10:04 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 21min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) |
09:45/11:25 |
09:47/11:45 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 42 min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
11:16/12:10 |
11:21/12:15 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 17min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
12:56/12:50 |
13:10/12:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 25min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
13:36/13:38 |
13:44/13:39 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 29min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
14:20/15:50 |
14:25/15:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 30min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
15:23/17:01 |
15:25/17:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 46min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
19:44/18:35 |
19:44/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 1hr 9min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
11:14/Origin |
11:14/11:05 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
12:04/11:58 |
12:06/12:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:25/13:23 |
13:28/13:25 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
13:45/13:50 |
13:58/13:55 |
13 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
15:01/14:53 |
15:04/14:55 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
16:07/15:40 |
16:14/15:45 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
18:40/18:24 |
18:55/18:25 |
15 min | Departed /Late by 30 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
23:21/22:40 |
23:35/22:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 45 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
00:24/23:34 |
00:25/23:35 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 50 min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
06:48/00:58 |
07:14/01:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 14min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
06:48/05:40 |
07:14/06:00 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 14min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
08:03/06:50 |
08:08/06:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 13min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
09:37/09:59 |
09:39/10:04 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 34 min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) |
11:08/11:25 |
11:13/11:45 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 9min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
12:48/12:10 |
13:02/12:15 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 17min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
13:28/12:50 |
13:36/12:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 21min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
14:12/13:38 |
14:17/13:39 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 22min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
15:15/15:50 |
15:17/15:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 38min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
17:10/17:01 |
17:13/17:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 21min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
19:36/18:35 |
19:36/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 1hr 1min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Villupuram Jn (VM) |
11:10/Origin |
11:10/11:05 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) |
12:16/11:58 |
12:18/12:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 18 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) |
13:29/13:23 |
13:31/13:25 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) |
13:54/13:50 |
14:01/13:55 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 5 |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) |
14:49/14:53 |
14:56/14:55 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 1 |
N.A |
Perambur (PER) |
16:02/15:40 |
16:07/15:45 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 22 min | 1 |
N.A |
Gudur Jn (GDR) |
18:44/18:24 |
19:13/18:25 |
29 min | Departed /Late by 48 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) |
23:42/22:40 |
23:52/22:50 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 2min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eluru (EE) |
00:56/23:34 |
00:57/23:35 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 22min | 1 |
Platform 2 |
Rajahmundry (RJY) |
02:15/00:58 |
02:17/01:00 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 17min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) |
02:15/05:40 |
02:17/06:00 |
20 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 17min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) |
06:51/06:50 |
07:17/06:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 17min | 2 |
Platform 4 |
Brahmapur (BAM) |
08:12/09:59 |
08:17/10:04 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 22min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) |
11:17/12:10 |
11:22/12:15 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 18min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) |
12:57/12:50 |
13:11/12:55 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 26min | 2 |
Platform 1 |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) |
13:37/13:38 |
13:45/13:39 |
1 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 30min | 2 |
Platform 2 |
Baleshwar (BLS) |
14:21/15:50 |
14:26/15:52 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 31min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Belda (BLDA) |
15:24/17:01 |
15:26/17:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 1hr 47min | 2 |
Platform 3 |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) |
19:45/18:35 |
19:45/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 1hr 10min | 2 |
Platform 5 |
Station | Arrival | 2025-03-04 | 2025-02-25 | 2025-02-18 | 2025-02-11 | 2025-02-04 | 2025-01-28 | 2025-01-21 |
Villupuram Jn (VM) | Origin | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min |
Tiruvannamalai (TNM) | 11:58 | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min |
Vellore Cantt (VLR) | 13:23 | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min | 6 min |
Katpadi Jn (KPD) | 13:50 | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min |
Arakkonam Jn (AJJ) | 14:53 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Perambur (PER) | 15:40 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Gudur Jn (GDR) | 18:24 | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min |
Vijayawada Jn (BZA) | 22:40 | 22 min | 22 min | 22 min | 22 min | 22 min | 22 min | 22 min |
Eluru (EE) | 23:34 | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min | 48 min |
Rajahmundry (RJY) | 00:58 | 56 min | 56 min | 56 min | 56 min | 56 min | 56 min | 56 min |
Visakhapatnam Jn (VSKP) | 05:40 | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min | 8 min |
Vizianagaram Jn (VZM) | 06:50 | 23 min | 23 min | 23 min | 23 min | 23 min | 23 min | 23 min |
Brahmapur (BAM) | 09:59 | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min | 10 min |
Khurda Road Jn (KUR) | 11:25 | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 25 min | 0 min | 25 min |
Bhubaneswar (BBS) | 12:10 | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min | 17 min |
Cuttack Jn (CTC) | 12:50 | 36 min | 36 min | 36 min | 36 min | 36 min | 36 min | 36 min |
Jajpur Keonjhar Road (JJKR) | 13:38 | 44 min | 44 min | 44 min | 44 min | 44 min | 44 min | 44 min |
Baleshwar (BLS) | 15:50 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Belda (BLDA) | 17:01 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Kharagpur Jn (KGP) | 18:35 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Frequently Ask Question about Train
22604 VM KGP SF EXP is Crossed at .
22604 VM KGP SF EXP runs from Villupuram Jn(VM) to Kharagpur Jn(KGP).
Train covers a distance of Kilometers in 1778km in 29h 55m
22604 VM KGP SF EXP has maximum stoppage time at Visakhapatnam Jn(20 min).
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
VM KGP SF EXP(22604) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived