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Overview of 58132 Puri Rourkela Passenger

If you are planning to travel by this train, Puri Rourkela train is a passenger train that connects the cities of Odisha from Puri via Rourkela in the Indian state. The Superfast train is operated by South Eastern Railway zone of the Indian railways and it covers 525 km overall distance to reach its destination Rourkela. The average running speed of the train is 33 km/hour and the travel time is of about 16 hours . Train stops by at 77 stoppages and 87 intermediate Stations and the prominent stoppages are at Khurda Road Jn , Bhubaneswar , Cuttack, Dhenkanal , Talcher, Angul, Kerejanga , Jarapada , Boinda,Sambalpur,Jharsuguda Jn and so. The shortest route between Puri and Rourkela Junction is 43 km and 8% shorter.

Do you have any plans to travel in this train so far? Belonging to South Eastern Railway zone , it runs on daily basis. Puri Rourkela Passenger train(58132) departs from Puri at 04:25 and arrives at Rourkela on same day at 20:25 with an average delay of 51 minutes.Generally train comes on Platform Number 3 at Puri station and Platform Number 2 at Rourkela Junction. As you know this is a Passenger train so there are 9 coaches available in the passenger train 58132 and the coach composition includes 7 general coaches and 2 SLR Coaches .The average fare for this Passenger train is just Rs 95/- for general coach passengers. Hope you have get the details which required to travel by this train and convert your journey into a safe travel.

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