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Overview of 59341 Nagda Bina Passenger

Looking for information related to the regular running train, Nagda - Bina Passenger, running with train number 59341? Belonging to Western Railways, Nagda - Bina Passenger runs in between Bina junction and Nagda junction in India. Train 59341 runs from Nagda junction to Bina junction across the country and runs on daily basis. The distance travelled by the train in total is 471 km. The operating speed of the train is 39 km/hour and the travel time is of around 12 hours.

Do you want to know about the train timing, at which train 59341 leaves and reaches the desired station? As per the time table, train 59341 leaves from Nagda junction at 11:35 hours and reaches Bina at 23:35 hours on the same day of travel. It stops by at 42 halts in between the journey and some of them are at Orr, Pagara, Guna, Vijay Pur, Maksi, Ujjain, etc. The train has 16 coaches available and the coach composition includes AC two tier, AC third tier, sleeper and general unreserved coaches. For the information, there is no pantry car attached in the train. Feel free to try out scrumptious e-catering food meal services from Travel Khana, as per the choice. To know about the whereabouts of the train 59341, get access to highly efficient Spot your train utility, be aware of the train’s whereabouts within seconds in a convenient and hassle free way, using either the train number or train name. Have a safe and enjoyable journey.

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