NR/Northern railways zone operated this Memu train publically famous as Lucknow Kanpur Memu train which is currently operated by 64201. This Memu train is a daily serving passenger train which connects two major cities Lucknow (LKO) and Kanpur Central covering the states of Uttar Pradesh. Overall , this passenger train (64201) takes approximately 1 hour 45 min to complete entire journey of 72 kms, maintaining with an average speed of 42 km/h . Train stops by in total at 11 station with 13 halts in between the journey and they are at Manak Nagar, Amausi, Piparsand, Harauni, Jaitipur,Kusumbhi, Ajgain, Sonik, Unnao Jn, Magarwara and Kanpur Bridge Left Bank.
As per Train schedule, Lucknow Kanpur Memu passenger train starts its journey from Lucknow (LKO) at 04:10 am from platform number 2 and train arrives its destination station at Kanpur Central on same day around 05:55 am with an average delay of 18 min platform number 3. Lucknow Kanpur Memu Train manages with an ICF Rake and has a total of 24 coaches all belongs to General coach . Train(64201) is hauled by WAM 4 blasting locomotive powers the train for its entire journey. The fare structure of the train is just Rs 20 for general coach unreserved seating . Train does not having Pantry and baggage facilities for Passenger so its better if you carry your own food. After getting all the desired details about the train your journey will more comfortable!
Spot your running train status /
Check the current running status of / which runs between to Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Spot your running train status /
Check the current running status of / which runs between to Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.