Want to stay healthy and feel active this winter season? Do include these 5 foods in your diet and feel the difference.



  • Pomegranates – Most of the people prefer to consume them in the form of juice and considering from a health point of view, it is really a good thing. The juice is highly rich in antioxidants as compared to other fruit juices, and a daily cup of Pomegranate juice can be effective to keep free radicals and maintain cholesterol level of a person. As per a study and research been done in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, oxidized LDL contributes in cholesterol leads to formation of plaques that could block up the arteries. So, have a cup of pomegranate juice daily and try to stay away from such problems.1


  • Dark Leafy Greens – With the winter season, dark leafy greens including collards, chard, broccoli, kale and like comes in abundance and others seems to look barren from the land. The leafy greens are rich source of Vitamins A, C and K, very important for pregnant women, growing children and everyone so consume as much as you can this season.5


  • Citrus – All citrus fruits in winter time are at their juiciest including lemons, oranges, lime, grapefruits etc. Full with richness of Vitamin C, and good source of even flavonoids, they are very effective in not only changing or uplifting anyone’s mood but also in boosting up good HDL cholesterol level along with lowering down triglycerides and bad LDL cholesterol levels in a body. So, try to have more of them and stay active and healthy this season.2


  • Potatoes – Sometimes, people make potatoes fall into a bad category of being white starch and not healthy like of white bread or white rice but unlike those, potatoes are been blessed with a wholesome of nutrients. Known to be excellent sources of two major immunity and strength boosters including Vitamin C and B6, a medium sized potato meets your 25% to 29% of your requirement. Adding to this, potatoes are good source of folate as well that is highly effective and important especially for women of childbearing age as they render fiber as needed at that time. Aside from this, in case, you find out purple potatoes, it is been like an added health advantage then as they are rich in anthocyanins antioxidants that are associated to be lending a plethora of health advantages including lower down heart disease risk to cancer to killing inflammation.4


  • Winter Squash – There are many varieties in winter squash that is available including acorn, butternut, spaghetti squash and delicata and each one of them is effective and very good to consume in winters. A single cup of cooked winter squash has few calories and is good source of richness in Vitamin A, C, B6, K folate and potassium.3

So, consume as much of these 5 of the healthy and fresh food this winter and lead a happy life.







5 of the Healthiest Winter Foods

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