How to reach Salasar Balaji
You can reach Salasar Balaji by road from Delhi or Jaipur. It is located in Rajasthan (Churu) and positions itself on the Jaipur Bikaner Highway. If you are looking to travel by airways, then you can catch a flight to Jaipur and from there bus or taxi as it is 3.5 km from Jaipur. In terms of lodging, there are around 50 to 60 Dharmsalas in Salasar Balaji and most of them are run by trustees. Some independent ones are also there.
The nearest railway station to Salasar balaji is Jaipur, which is connoted as the land of cuisines. Let us now explore them in a nutshell.
Dal Bhatti Churma
A Rajasthan delicacy, is a whole and sole Rajasthani meal. Lentil curry or dal is served with bhatti (stuffed flour) heated on a charcoal or over. Choorma is a sweet dish made of sugar, ghee, jiggery and flour. Bhattis normally are a substitute for rotis and is present in various varieties. One can opt for the exotic masala, dry fruit or the plain one. With loads of ghee, bhatti is made of a combination of flour and maize. There is also a pivotal aspect when it comes to choorma as the color of it is dependent on the ingredients. To relish this wonderful dish, you can head over to the Sind camp region.
Roti or Chappati
What is fascinating in Rajasthan, when you compare it to the rest of the country is the variety in terms of rotis you get. Even the smallest of food stalls will have Besan, Makki, Bajre, rumali as the list is endless.
Mawa kachori
It is a kachori where the ingredients are mawa along with sugar syrup. It is not to be missed and is available at all the sweet shops in the region. If you are in Jaipur, you can try out the famous sweet shops like Kanji sweets or Rawat sweets which are located in Jowri bazaar as well as the bus stand.
It is a deep fried sweet dish, and its value increases during the festive times of Teej and Gangaur. It is available in a variety of types in the form of mawa, ghee and desi ghee. The best shop for Ghewar is Rawat Sweets.
Mirchi wada
Occupying center stage with samosas and kachori, in the market is Mirchi wada. In besan, green chilies are gripped and dipped. The aroma is something that will entice your senses and you will come across roadside vendors selling them from the cart
Sabji of Rajasthan
Pakodi, gate ki Sabji are part of the traditional set up and is a part and parcel of the diet of the people. To add to the meals, a simple or masala papad is spooned up. It is a must in every meal.
To conclude, when you visit Salasar Balaji, have a stopover in Jaipur and taste the wonderful cuisines of Jaipur. You will be licking your fingers and will be craving for more.