Tips for Travelling from Delhi to Varanasi in Indian Railway

If you are a tourist and want to visit Delhi to Varanasi.

Here are some tips to make your trip on Indian Railways as enjoyable as possible;

  • Try to book a ticket in train ,having starting station close to your residence. For example if you stay in South Delhi, don’t book ticket for a train starting from Anand Vihar Station.
  • Bring a good book.
  • Spend time looking out the windows. The ever changing landscape provides a rare and hassle free view everyday life in India. Especially in morning, when you are about to reach Varanasi.
  • If you’re the talkative type, you won’t have a shortage of people to chat to. But don’t ask too personal question or sound pushy. It may ruin the environment.
  • Meals are usually provided on board most long distance trains; however the food served by Indian Railways is hardly inspiring. Choices are limited (usually to biriyani and thali) and don’t cater to Western tastes. Someone from the catering department will come and take your order in advance for these meals. You can also try booking meal through . Our meal booking platform provides opportunity to book food from your favorite restaurants. Moreover, you get your food delivered on your seat.
  • Food and drink vendors will also make their way through the compartments, mostly in sleeper class but also in the air conditioned classes. Make sure you carry lots of small change for your purchases.
  • Be prepared to go to bed early .Indians love to sleep when they have nothing better to do and most people will start retiring for the night around 9.30 p.m.
  • The busiest time in the bathrooms is in the morning between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. so either get up early or sleep late.
  • Bring anti-bacterial hand wipes and toilet paper. You’ll find them both very handy to have.
  • Don’t leave your luggage unsecured or your valuables on display. The Stations like Kanpur, Mirzapur and Mughalsarai are infamous for thieves. Bring your lock and chain or buy one at platform.

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Tips for Travelling from Delhi to Varanasi in Indian Railway

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